Author Topic: A couple of thoughts  (Read 3095 times)

Offline Horus

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A couple of thoughts
« on: July 30, 2007, 05:03:08 am »
Hi guys

First off nice site, great mod!

Second a few ideas/thoughts.

1. Ammo crates: Would be nice to know where to find them, any chance of getting them to show on the compass?

2. Reloads: In real life when you re-load your weapon you put a new clip in and discard the old one. In COD you put a new clip in and it just replaces the rounds you've used, thus helping the spray and prayers. Would it be possible to have the reloading based on clips rather than rounds? i.e. for the Thompson you start with 4 clips of 30 rounds (one loaded), you spray 10 rounds and reload. You then lose those 10 rounds and are left with 3 clips of 30 rounds one of which is loaded. This would put more emphasis on using the ammo crates and conserving ammo.

Hope this, or something like it, is possible.



Offline Gixxer

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A couple of thoughts
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2007, 01:56:23 pm »
the ammo crates on compass is on the to do list, just need time to do it. as far as the ammo and reloading, that is a new one, may be possible.

Offline dutch

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« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2007, 06:33:42 pm »
lol gix ur avatar gives me the creeps i have a 2 yr old boy... as he is really inventive he would be capable to do a stunt like that  :(

Sorry that it was totally off topic {daddy mode off}

About the ammo crates yes that could be handy

About the clips use ranksystem i know what you are saying but it defeats the object as u also pick up ammo if you have that enabled. a spray and prayer runs over 2 dead bodies and picks up 420 rounds for example. I think that this is to far sought after all it is a game and not real life


Offline Gixxer

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A couple of thoughts
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2007, 06:51:08 pm »
lol, Joker did that for me, nice guy huh? and you are right about the ammo beng dropped, but like with the nades. you can turn off the ability to drop weapons if you choose to use this feature. it is an idea, and if it is possible to do, we would make it var controlable. we will look into it, after we get the move behind us.

Offline Stretch

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A couple of thoughts
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2007, 10:05:32 pm »
I think what the first poster is trying to say is... rather than reloading just the 10 rounds used from a 30 round clip, the client would use an entire clip to reload.

Start with 4 30 round Tommy clips (120 rounds)... fire 10 rounds and reload. As it stands now he would have 110 rounds left, but with the changes proposed, he would end up with 3 30  round clips for a total of 90 rounds left. More realistic I would say. Of course, you guys could make it configurable... stock reload or clip based reload. Thats my take on what he said at least :/

Offline WhiteWolf

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A couple of thoughts
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2007, 03:37:52 am »
So....would the ammo dropped only be dropped in clips?   (ie, you have 4 clips not 43 rounds)

Offline Gixxer

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A couple of thoughts
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2007, 08:39:51 am »
Joker and i discussed this yesterday, we fully understand what the original poster was talking about. we just need to figure out if it can be done, then the best approach of doing it.

Offline Horus

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A couple of thoughts
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2007, 05:19:25 am »
Quote from: "Stretch"
I think what the first poster is trying to say is... rather than reloading just the 10 rounds used from a 30 round clip, the client would use an entire clip to reload.

Start with 4 30 round Tommy clips (120 rounds)... fire 10 rounds and reload. As it stands now he would have 110 rounds left, but with the changes proposed, he would end up with 3 30  round clips for a total of 90 rounds left. More realistic I would say. Of course, you guys could make it configurable... stock reload or clip based reload. Thats my take on what he said at least :/

 :D  That's what I was trying to say. I just think it's more realistic, would stop the sprayers a bit and give me a chance to kill them with my shotty before they spray me to bits!

Offline Horus

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A couple of thoughts
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2007, 05:22:03 am »
Quote from: "WhiteWolf"
So....would the ammo dropped only be dropped in clips?   (ie, you have 4 clips not 43 rounds)

Yes. For the Thompson you would start with 4 30 rounds clips (120 rounds). If you fire ten and then reload you would have 3 30 round clips. the 20 rounds that were in the first clip would be lost. Therefore if you picked up ammo of bodies that would also be in clips but you could set it so you could only carry a maximum amount of clips (i think)

Offline KillTheEnemy

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« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2007, 09:08:54 am »
I know I've seen some games with it like this (NOT CoD2, cant remember what game but I remember this part)
Say you start off with 4 clips (120 rounds) for the Tommy. You fire 10 rounds and then reload. You still have 4 clips and have a total of 110 rounds. Then you fire 10 more rounds and fire 3 more times. You STILL have 4 clips but you have 80 rounds. When you cycle through 4 clips, you go back to the partially spent clip, so after the 4th reload you have 20 rounds in the clip you reloaded (the first clip you fired from).

Offline WhiteWolf

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« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2007, 04:31:56 pm »
Sounds like some tables could be built that hold the clips/ammo loadouts.

Offline BossSpearman

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« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2007, 11:11:23 am »
Yea, thats how 'Battlefield' works. You shoot two rounds and reload, you use a clip, not just two rounds.

There are some mods out there that do this.

When I was running AWE on my server, I had a realism mod that provided this. I tried it with extreme 1.6 and the server wont run, must be some conflict. I haven't tried it with 2.0 or 2.1 though.

If you want to see it in action, let me know, I can switch back to that configuration on my server for a day and post the IP address so you can try it out.

Offline KillTheEnemy

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« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2007, 11:42:23 am »
Could you post a link to the mod itself? or PM it to me and the support crew?

Offline BossSpearman

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« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2007, 09:44:03 pm »
link removed

Offline KillTheEnemy

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A couple of thoughts
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2007, 05:51:18 am »
All I get when clicking that link is a domain ad placeholder...