Author Topic: Tutorial (Cod4 Custom Maps + Mods Installations)  (Read 11002 times)

Offline Lojik

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Tutorial (Cod4 Custom Maps + Mods Installations)
« on: June 26, 2008, 06:50:57 am »
Setting Up Cod4 Custom Maps

so if you downloaded a map named newmap for instance


should all be in a folder named newmap inside your usermaps folder on both your server and redirect

Most map .iwds need to be cleaned directions below on how to clean them

In your redirect ftp you would make a folder named cod4 then inside that make a usermaps folder and a mod folder on your redirect just like it is in your game itself and in your server.These all need to be exactly the same to work properly

So you would look in cod4 folder on your redirect and you would have two folders mods and usermaps just like in your server

In mods would be your mod folders you use for your servers we will get in to that next

in usermaps all map files all 3 after youve cleaned them would be in a folder named the name of the map with the cleaned .iwds read below to learn how to clean them.

Example below

.ff = http ://
.iwd = http ://
.load = http ://

Directory Structures

Maps In Redirect
.ff = http ://
.iwd = http ://
.load = http ://

Maps In Server
.ff = cod4/usermaps/yournewmap/yournewmap.ff
.iwd = cod4/usermaps/yournewmap/yournewmap.iwd
.load = cod4/usermaps/yournewmap/yournewmap_load.ff

Maps In Client
.ff = cod4/usermaps/yournewmap/yournewmap.ff
.iwd = cod4/usermaps/yournewmap/yournewmap.iwd
.load = cod4/usermaps/yournewmap/yournewmap_load.ff

Mods In Redirect
.iwd = http ://
.ff = http ://

Mods In Server
.iwd = cod4/mods/mymod/mod.iwd
.ff = cod4/mods/mymod/mod.ff

Mods In Client
.iwd = cod4/mods/mymod/mod.iwd
.ff = cod4/mods/mymod/mod.ff

Installing Mods

For mods say you are using Extreme X4 2.0 for instance it doesnt matter which mod most all mods would be installed the same way as Extreme X4 2.0

Your server should have a cod4 folder and inside that a mods folder and inside that a folder named the name of your mod or ect.
In your mod folder and inside the folder you named for your new mod would include the mod.iwd and the mod.ff thats included with the mod and all server configs needed to start your mod.

So in your mod folder would be a mod.ff ,mod.iwd, .cfgs related to the mod you use

NO map .iwds go in your mod folder EVER

No map iwds in your mod folders only the mod.iwd itself from the mod you are using and the mod.ff along with the cfgs needed to start your server.Of course a correct server commandline is needed to execute the proper mod folder and the proper server start up cfg.

Thats either up to you to set your command line correctly or your server rental company to do it for you but either way its very important to be correct.

Example below

Mods In Redirect
.iwd = http ://
.ff = http ://

Mods In Server
.iwd = cod4/mods/mymod/mod.iwd
.ff = cod4/mods/mymod/mod.ff

Mods In Client
.iwd = cod4/mods/mymod/mod.iwd
.ff = cod4/mods/mymod/mod.ff

Example Of A Commandline below

+set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set sv_maxclients 16 +set net_port 28960 +set fs_game mods/mymod +exec server.cfg +map_rotate

This commandline above would be executing the mods/mymod fsgame folder and server.cfg located in it to start a mod

The redirect ftp for your mod download only needs to include the mod.ff and the mod.iwd for clients to download they do not need all the cfgs your server needs to start I hope everyone understands that.This should be exactly the same file structure as your server has cod4/mods/yourmod or it wont work correctly.

Some Examples Of A Map Rotation

In your map rotation .cfg you should always set the gametype like so (used dm as an example) =
set g_gametype "dm"

If you only run one gametype this below would work fine ,you only need the gametype setting once in the beginning of the rotation if you only use one gametype in your server.

One Gametype Rotation
Good Rotation = set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_pow_rld map mp_carentan map mp_dc"
Bad Rotation (Wasted Characters (unneeded gametype dm wasting characters) = set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_pow_rld gametype dm map mp_carentan"
Bad Rotation (Wont Work Mispelled Map / Should Be mp_pow_rld) = set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_pow_rdl"

Multiple Gametype Rotation
Good Rotation = set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_pow_rld gametype koth map mp_carentan gametype dom map mp_dc"

Redirect Settings
Redirect in your mod settings should look like this below do not have dldisconnected set to 1 do not do that leave it at 0 like below or you will have serious issues

set sv_allowdownload "1"
set sv_wwwDownload "1"
set sv_wwwbaseURL "http ://"
set sv_wwwdldisconnected "0"  

P.s.  This setting could be many ways and still work fine like the examples below ive made for you all
set sv_wwwbaseURL "http ://"
set sv_wwwbaseURL "http ://"
set sv_wwwbaseURL "http ://"
set sv_wwwbaseURL "http ://"

Those Examples would all work fine above

Cleaning a Map .IWD File

Many maps have a dirty .iwd file as we will call it for this tutorial

You will need winrar the newest available version will be good link below for that program you can dl a trial version there and it will work for as long as you need it to

1.Install winrar
2.double click a dirty map .iwd file for instance
3.Browse the contents of the .iwd.
4.Delete any folder besides sounds and images folders
5.Most maps dont have a sounds folder
6.Browse the contents of the images folder and make sure that there is only .iwi files included in the images folder and no readmes or anything of the likes.
7.If there is a readme in the images folder or anywhere else in the .iwd it needs to be deleted.
8.Only a couple maps will have fx scripts located in them in folders those maps will not work the usermap way I think there is about 4 or 5 of these type of maps not many at all.(Sharqi Day ,Sharqi Night ,Village Day ,Village Night,)

Couple Good Tips To Know
1.Must have lowercase letters in your mods folder on redirect
2.Must have clean .iwds to run the usermap way, read above to learn how to clean them
3.Any maps located in your own usermap folder that only have 2 files or a dirty .iwd will cause you errors on server rotations,restarts ect.
If you are not sure what you have been downloading from servers (clean .iwds or not) then you should just delete all your maps to start fresh with no unexpected problems.Your maps included in your usermap folder should all have 3 files and the .iwds should be clean.This is how you stay error free.
4.Advantages to the usermap way and cleaned .iwd way = Can rotate,restart,ect ect with minimal errors.Can add + delete maps while server is running if your slick ;)
Cannot do either of those easily if the map .iwds are located in your mod folders.Will not have to download multiple .iwds upon joining a server or a pack of .iwds.Makes it 10 times easier to change maps in your server to add and delete them.There is so many advantages its ridiculous it must be done the right way thats all there is to it.
5.A Couple issues that can still happen even when set up right = You can get a cl_areliableservercommandwascycledout error due to bad connections of clients either way it needs fixing.
6.Another issue that can easily happen is timeouts - depending on where you are located and where the servers redirect server is located its the cause of the problem for sure.Someone one from uk joining a west coast server could easily timeout or on any long distance connections that are made.Of course it will matter what type of connection you may have,if the server is some home pc or a real dedicated server,all that good stuff.
7.Number 5 and 6 can also happen Ive noticed when a client is joining the server ,starts to download a map but the server has now rotated this will give the 2 problems above sometimes ,sometimes not ?


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[ All Mods Are Different (Couple Tips To Be Aware Of)

Wanted to add a couple facts to the above tutorial

Make sure to read any mods readme you are using very well

The tutorial above doesnt going into a couple important facts ill list below

Putting mod cfgs in your server can depend on what mod you are running

For instance you all know that Extreme X4 2.0 uses its own config folder which you need to upload cfgs to for it to work

Every Mod has a couple different tricks that I couldnt possible cover easily in this one tutorial id almost have to make a tutorial for each mod ,but you and I know that would be to much work.

So all im saying is the tutorial above is the basic rule of thumb but when it comes to each specific mod make sure to read the readmes very good and understand where the mod author is explaining to put the cfgs,files,ect.

Thank You Joker

p.s. Anyone may use this tutorial on there site as long as you leave my credits intact

Offline Joker{eXtreme}

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Tutorial (Cod4 Custom Maps + Mods Installations)
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2008, 09:45:03 am »
It is all good m8 :)

Offline FluO

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Tutorial (Cod4 Custom Maps + Mods Installations)
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2008, 09:54:31 am »
what about renaming the mod any other then " eXtreme". My mod wont start and gives an double window with an error. There is no message on what that error is.. just the black screen..


Offline Joker{eXtreme}

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Tutorial (Cod4 Custom Maps + Mods Installations)
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2008, 10:54:02 am »
Quote from: "bugc"
what about renaming the mod any other then " eXtreme". My mod wont start and gives an double window with an error. There is no message on what that error is.. just the black screen..


You can name your fs_game folder anything you would like

is it eXtreme now?

Are you using Windows XP or Vista?

I assume you are trying to setup a Home Server? If so, please explain in your own words what you did/how you set it up

Offline FluO

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Tutorial (Cod4 Custom Maps + Mods Installations)
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2008, 12:37:07 pm »
well.. we have our own server.

We were running Ace_mod.

A lot of our people play also at another server and they are running the x4v2 mod. And we like that one very much. So we desided to also install this mod on our server.


Ive installed the mod and there is a note, that when you give the same name for you "fs-" folder you should also keep the ranks that we have at this other server.. This becouse we dont want to loose them. Thers gone a lot of time for some players and they kant risk to loose theire ranks.

But when i change the folder name to the specified one, it wont start and the whole game freezes up.. leaving 2 windows open and giving an error..

Offline Joker{eXtreme}

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Tutorial (Cod4 Custom Maps + Mods Installations)
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2008, 12:43:25 pm »
Something smells screwy -- I would really need to login to your server FTP and take a look at how you have it setup

It is either something wrong with the server side of things


If you are using ACE and you are removing all files from there and replacing them with X4v2.0 -- then I would suspect that one YOUR computer, you have the ACE mods files AND the X4v2.0 mods files which could cause the problem

Offline securiity

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Tutorial (Cod4 Custom Maps + Mods Installations)
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2008, 07:41:24 pm »
Thanks for the Tut, very good information...

Offline Lojik

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Tutorial (Cod4 Custom Maps + Mods Installations)
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2008, 06:12:33 am »
My pleasure  :wink:

Offline matte

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Re: Tutorial (Cod4 Custom Maps + Mods Installations)
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2008, 01:13:00 pm »
i cant create my own server when i do sow its just popps upp a "cod 4 consol" how do i do?

Offline Joker{eXtreme}

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Re: Tutorial (Cod4 Custom Maps + Mods Installations)
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2008, 01:14:29 pm »
Read the PDF that comes with the mod m8

Offline matte

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Re: Tutorial (Cod4 Custom Maps + Mods Installations)
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2008, 01:51:32 pm »
whot shold i write to just start the server?

Offline Gorilla

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Re: Tutorial (Cod4 Custom Maps + Mods Installations)
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2008, 05:07:24 pm »
Hello :)

When you say (in cleaning a map iwd file):
Code: [Select]
Delete any folder besides sounds and images folders
I have some problem to translate "besides" you want say: not images and sounds folders but all others?

Thanks for your help :)

Offline PvtGomerPyle

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Re: Tutorial (Cod4 Custom Maps + Mods Installations)
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2008, 06:29:13 pm »
Delete everthing EXCEPT the Sound and Images folder......... :wink:  :wink:

Offline Gorilla

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Re: Tutorial (Cod4 Custom Maps + Mods Installations)
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2008, 06:38:16 pm »
Ohhh...thanks you very much for your help m8