PatmanSan Unlimited

eXtreme+ Modification for Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare => X4 COD4 Release Information => Topic started by: Joker{eXtreme} on November 08, 2010, 08:41:53 pm

Title: X4 : eXtreme Warfare v3.0 RC5 is Released!
Post by: Joker{eXtreme} on November 08, 2010, 08:41:53 pm
X4 : eXtreme Warfare v3.0 RC5 is now released


-- New items introduced
updated killspree sounds
Ambient aircraft fx
character model changer
hardpoint napalm burns to death
hardpoint stealth bombers
hardpoint nuke endsgame
hardpoint sentrygun
night vision thermal overwrite
added dvar to control Proximityc4 Radius
added dvar to control Proximityc4 Detection time
x4 mw2 camo addon pack
grenadecook bar
blood now runs down screen
Spawn Protection Voice Announcer enableding and disableing
buzzkill when you end a killstreak
sound and text when you stick a player with a sticky grenade
points for destroying a heli
shock fx after useing healthpacks like cod2
improved X4 Ranking Systems
hardpoint upgrades in ammocrates
fov scale change in ac130 per weapon

-- Items Fixed or Revamped
removed set ex_stock_notify was not being used
mapvote blue bar
Ability to turn off the gCOPS dvar (reported by stufz)
Barret and Barret with Acog
Ambient airplane bombs fix
Ambient airplane bombs deadly fixed
Ambient airplane bombs safe fixed
Ambient arty bombs deadly fixed
Ambient arty bombs safe fixed
Ambient planes crash damage fixed
Ambient planes crash fx fixed
Sabotage fix added
Obituary Bug Using Rewards and Counters (Thanks to HolyMoly!)
dead silence fixed
proxcimity C4 Fixed
AC130 class spawn fix
ERROR: G_FindConfigstringIndex: overflow fixed
fixed most of the ingame sound cuts outs
rank system fixed
ingame cac removed  
removed ac130 thermal cleaned up errors
old killcam.gsc removed
hardcoremode ac130 fixed
headshot scoreing system fixed
fixed modwarfare config errors
nuke kills all now
fixed a ton of errors
uav.gsc errors fixed
killstreaksounds fixed
callvotebotton fixed
fixed add server to favs
at4 x2 ammo fixed
at4 class display name fixed
fixed _ex_varcache setting forceing killstreak notifys to display if set to 0
removed some uneeded raw files in iwd and raw folders
removed stock maps from _ex_votemaps and map rotation that were hitting model limits
moved Reward/Bonus Points for Headshots heli and Knife Kills to pointsystem.cfg
removed a few uneeded models from the _ex_varcache.gsc
fixed self suicide grenades do not count on Rewards and Counters
fixed a few models not being precached in _ex_varcache.gsc
fixed livestats and team headicons
cleaned up Hip shooting enforement
black screen on death now fits wide screens
fixed classlimit dvars
fixed missing fx with Ambient airplane
removed teargas was to flawed
removed turrent minigun sound was flawed
removed ragdoll dvar as it was not working
fixed camo_brockhaurd for modwarfare classes
fixed health regen

As always version 3.0 RC5 brings you:

•   UAV, Airstrike, Helicopter, Napalm
•    -- Ability to set the amount of streaks, kills, or points
•   AC130 Gunship 25mm Gattling Gun
•   AC130 Gunship 40mm Cannon
•   AC130 Gunship 105mm Cannon
•   Nuclear Warhead Airstrike
•   Fix Maprotation
•   Random Maprotation
•   Rotate map if empty
•   Map Rotation Stacker
•   Healthbar
•   Drop health
•   Bleeding with messages and sounds
•   Firstaid system
•   Turrets On or Off
•   Turret Overheating system
•   Detailed Helicopter Settings
•   Drop Grenades
•   Weapon Damage Modifiers
•   Drop Weapon on Arm/Leg hit
•   NameChecker
•   Unknown Soldier
•   AntiCamping system
•   eXtreme Obituary's
•   Vote Menu Delay/Limiter
•   Laserdot
•   Spawn Protection
•   Hardcore settings
•   Hardcore UAV
•   Invisible Spawn Protection
•   Live Player Stats
•   eXtreme Logo
•   Announcement Sounds
•   Firstblood
•   Player connect/disconnect
•   Range Finder
•   Welcome Messages
•   Server Messages
•   Display Map Rotation
•    -- Next map and gametype
•   Teambalance Messages on or off
•   Bots for developers
•   Redirect
•   Multiple Forced Clientside Dvars
•   Various Hiticon
•   Jump Height Limiter
•   Fall damage Modifiers
•   Bob Factor
•   Dead Bodies Sink After death
•   Hardcore mode with Forced UAV
•   Old School MW
•   Enhanced URL redirect
•   VOIP display
•   Hip Shooting Monitor
•   Antirun monitor
•   Closekill Protection
•   This is not an exhausted list of features!

and alot of things I'm sure I forgot *L*

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