Author Topic: COD4 console/script commands for dummys needed  (Read 3355 times)

Offline erotmil

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COD4 console/script commands for dummys needed
« on: May 16, 2008, 08:26:01 pm »
I am running x4 with custom maps, is there a complete list of commands posted somewhere. So far all I know is /map mp_mapname (Ok I know few more, but wish i had a full list)

I know console commands are not all the same, CS its changelevel mapname

Also need the script/cfg edit  to make the server (home lan) way to not just allow weapons,  but to create classes (probably not doable yet).

reading the guides at tweakguides on COD2 I just need to know what the differences are.

Offline Evostance

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COD4 console/script commands for dummys needed
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2008, 01:13:44 pm »
You meant?

To use them, Log in with rcon /rcon login [password] and put a forward slash / infront of every command.. dont forget it for the rcon login one cause itl put it on the chat and someone will /killserver it forsure, which sux :(

server commands
] killserver
] quit
] map_restart
] say "my message"
] tell [clientnum] "my message to you"

server settings
map rotation
] sv_mapRotation gametype <gametype> map <mapname> gametype <gametype> map <mapname> ...

<gametype> is one of:
"dm" - free for all deathmatch
"dom" - domination
"koth" - headquarters
"sab" - sabotage
"sd" - search & destroy
"war" - team deathmatch

] sv_hostname "my server"
] g_gametype <gametype>
] sv_maxclients [1-32]
] g_password "my password"
] sv_voice [0-1]
] scr_teambalance [0-1]
] g_allowvote [0-1]
] sv_punkbuster [0-1]
] sv_minping [0-n] (milliseconds)
] sv_maxping [0-n] (milliseconds)
] sv_connectTimeout [0-n] (seconds)
] sv_timeout [0-n] (seconds)

gameplay options
] scr_oldschool [0-1]
] scr_hardcore [0-1]
] scr_game_spectatetype [0-2] (Disabled, Team/Players Only, Free)
] scr_game_allowkillcam [0-1]
] scr_team_fftype [0-3] (Disabled, Enabled, Reflect, Shared)

] scr_game_perks [0-1]
] scr_game_onlyheadshots [0-1]
] scr_game_forceuav [0-1]
] scr_game_hardpoints [0-1] (i.e. artillery, uav, helicopter)
] scr_hardpoint_allowartillery [0-1]
] scr_hardpoint_allowuav [0-1]
] scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter [0-1]

free for all deatmatch
] scr_dm_scorelimit [0-n]
] scr_dm_timelimit [0-n] (minutes)

] scr_dom_scorelimit [0-n]
] scr_dom_timelimit [0-n] (minutes)

team deathmatch
] scr_war_scorelimit [0-n]
] scr_war_timelimit [0-n] (minutes)

] scr_sab_scorelimit [1-n] (points)
] scr_sab_timelimit [0-n] (minutes)
] scr_sab_roundswitch [0-n] (after how many rounds)
] scr_sab_bombtimer [0-n] (seconds)
] scr_sab_planttime [0-n] (seconds)
] scr_sab_defusetime [0-n] (seconds)
] scr_sab_hotpotato [0-1] (shared bomb timer)

search and destroy
] scr_sd_scorelimit [1-n] (points)
] scr_sd_timelimit [0-n] (minutes)
] scr_sd_roundswitch [0-n] (number of rounds before switching teams)
] scr_sd_bombtimer [0-n] (seconds)
] scr_sd_planttime [0-n] (seconds)
] scr_sd_defusetime [0-n] (seconds)
] scr_sd_multibomb [0-1]

] scr_koth_scorelimit [1-n] (points)
] scr_koth_timelimit [0-n] (minutes)
] koth_autodestroytime [0-n] (seconds)
] koth_kothmode [0-1] (classic mode, non-classic)
] koth_spawntime [0-n] (seconds, hq spawn time)