Author Topic: x4 3.0 Suggestions  (Read 7657 times)

Offline bhcmax

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Re: x4 3.0 Suggestions
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2010, 08:22:21 am »
the futureistic things casn be deactivated , same as some stuff on x4 can, you just set the server up as you like,
imagine this,
uav = 3
airstrike = 5
napalm= 6
cool new heli (like harrier in mw2) = 7 (both armies can have helis at same time)
flyable blackhawk chopper =10  (both armies can have chopper at same time)( maybe with mini gun instead of rpd)
ac130 = 15
nuke = 25

c4 or mobile turrets (can be placed anywhere, with ability to shoot down opponents and choppers automaticly)
clays or laser trip mines(can stretch the whole leanth of map,kills any opponent who touches it)

pulse nades that stick to walls and eneble when opponent goes near
also when you throw the nade it leaves a trail ,like in mw2

tell me this wouldnt be a great mod

Offline bdshepherd

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Re: x4 3.0 Suggestions
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2010, 09:43:06 am »
The killcam in the K3 mod, i can't say it enough, will blow your mind, it's totally awsome.
Joker this is the killcam your looking for to use in the eXtreme mod.


Offline MadMoha

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Re: x4 3.0 Suggestions
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2010, 12:49:58 pm »
Add in the K3 stuuf (minus that dumb stuff like black matter cannon) and the new stuff in X4 v3.0 and we will have ourselves the best mod ever created for Cod4 and possible any other game in the COD series (and maybe outside of that as well...). Oh and as throwing knives will be included (dont work on BETA however) and maybe the K3 killcam, imagine throwing the knife and hitting someone, then watching the knife as it flies towards you in a 1st person view, THAT WOULD BE BLOODY COOL!

Offline bhcmax

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Re: x4 3.0 Suggestions
« Reply #33 on: April 04, 2010, 05:24:02 pm »
i would gladly pay for that mod !!