Author Topic: No weapons on the x5v2.5  (Read 2609 times)

Offline Choobie

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  • Posts: 39
No weapons on the x5v2.5
« on: November 03, 2009, 09:37:38 pm »
just put on your latest mod and when started game had no weapons available
it showed 10 custom slots but all empty

what should I do to get weapons?


Offline Joker{eXtreme}

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Re: No weapons on the x5v2.5
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2009, 08:45:57 am »
Post your weaponcontrol.cfg

Offline Choobie

  • Rank: Private
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  • Posts: 39
Re: No weapons on the x5v2.5
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2009, 06:59:39 pm »
here it  is

// Hardpoint Settings
set scr_game_hardpoints "1"
set scr_hardpoint_allowartillery "1"
set scr_hardpoint_allowdogs "1"
set scr_hardpoint_allowradar "1"
set scr_hardpoint_allowsupply "1"
set scr_hardpoint_allowuav "1"

// OldSchool is default game play

// Hardcore
set scr_hardcore "0"

// Number of dropped weapons before recycling
set g_maxDroppedWeapons "16"

// Weapons
set scr_weapon_allowbetty "1"
set scr_weapon_allowc4 "1"
set scr_weapon_allowflash "1"
set scr_weapon_allowfrags "1"
set scr_weapon_allowmines "1"
set scr_weapon_allowrpgs "1"
set scr_weapon_allowsatchel "1"
set scr_weapon_allowsmoke "1"

// Bouncing Bettty Settings
set bettyDetonateRadius "150"
set bettyTimeBeforeDetonate "0.45"
set bettyUpVelocity "296"
// X5 Betty detonation control options
//  NOTE - you should note that if you do not allow any approach betty options... then you cannot defuse it...
set ex_betty_onprone "0"   // detonate betty when player is prone - 0=No Detonation 1=Detonation
set ex_betty_oncrouch "0"   // detonate betty when player is crouched - 0=No Detonation 1=Detonation
set ex_betty_onads "1"      // detonate betty when player is standing, but using sights - 0=No Detonation 1=Detonation

// Allow friendlies to detonate bettys
// 0 = Disabled (Default)
// 1 = Enabled         
set ex_bettydetonatefriendly "1"

// Trigger delay,  this needs to be set so that a player can plant a betty and then move away
//       otherwise if you set friendly fire betties then they will explode when a player plants them...
// 0 = Disabled (Default)
// 1 = Enabled         
set ex_bettytriggersettime "10"
// Message to show to friendly player in trigger radius during timer...
set ex_bettytriggertimermsg "LOOK OUT! Betty has been planted..crouch."

// Show team betty team icon for friendlies
// 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled (Default)         
set ex_bettyshowheadicon "1"

// Allow players to defuse bettys
// 0 = Disabled (Default)
// 1 = Enabled         
set ex_allowbettydefuse "1"

// number of seconds required to defuse betty
// Min = 2 seconds (Default)
// Max = 99 seconds
set ex_bettydefusetime "5"

// possibility of betty detonation on defuse for friendly  
// 1 - 10 (Default = 1)
// 3 = 30%
// 5 = 50%
// 7 = 70% chance of exploding
set ex_defusebettyfailFriendly "1"   

// possibility of betty detonation on defuse for enemy
// 1 - 10 (Default = 1)
// 3 = 30%
// 5 = 50%
// 7 = 70% chance of exploding
set ex_defusebettyfailEnemy "3"   

// possibility of betty detenation on defuse self
// 1 - 10 (Default = 1)
// 3 = 30%
// 5 = 50%
// 7 = 70% chance of exploding
set ex_defusebettyfailSelf "1"
// Successful Defuse of betty by Teammates Points Awarded
// Min = 0 (Default)
// Max = 99
//set ex_defusebettypointsFriendly "2"   

// Successful Defuse of betty by Enemy Points Awarded
// Min = 0 (Default = 2)
// Max = 99
set ex_defusebettypointsEnemy "3"   

// Successful Defuse of betty by Self Points Awarded
// Min = 0 (Default = 0)
// Max = 99
set ex_defusebettypointsSelf "0"

// Add Defused betty to Players Inventory
// 0 = Disable  
// 1 = Enable (Default)
//set ex_defusebettyAddWeapon "1"   

// Defuse Message
set ex_defusebettyUseMsg "^3Press USE Key to Defuse betty"

// Successful Defuse Message
set ex_defusebettySuccessMsg "^4Success!"   

// Failed Defuse Message
set ex_defusebettyFailMsg "^1B O O M !"   

// Defusing Message
set ex_defusebettyWorkingMsg "^1Defusing betty.... WAIT"   

// Poison gas stuff?
set poisonDuration "8"
set tabun_effect_radius "150"
set tabun_shock_radius "150"
set tabunGasDuration "3"
set tabunInitialGasShockDuration "7"
set tabunWalkInGasShockDuration "4"

// Perk & Hardpoint Settings
// Perk Settings
set scr_game_perks "1"
set perk_armorVest "75"
set perk_bulletDamage "40"
set perk_explosiveDamage "25"
set perk_fireproof "55"
set perk_flakJacket "75"
set perk_flakJacketMaxDamage "75"
set player_lastStandBleedoutTime "30"

// Vehicle Perk Settings
set vehicle_perk_boost_acceleration_multiplier "1.571"
set vehicle_perk_boost_duration_seconds "0.74"
set vehicle_perk_boost_interval_seconds "1.703"
set vehicle_perk_boost_speed_increase "1.878"
set vehicle_perk_leadfoot_speed_increase "1.35"

// Dog Settings
set scr_dog_count "8"
set scr_dog_hardpoint_interval "180"
set scr_dog_health "100"
set scr_dog_max_at_once "4"
set scr_dog_time "60"

// Vehicle Settings
set scr_vehicles_enabled "1"
set scr_veh_respawntimemax "90"
set scr_veh_respawntimemin "50"
set scr_veh_health_jeep "700"

// Doesn't work?
//set scr_veh_health_tank "1350"
// Default value is 2600 -- stock health 0-5000
set ex_panzer_health "1000"
set ex_t34_health "1000"

set scr_veh_driversarehidden "1"
set scr_veh_driversareinvulnerable "1"
set scr_veh_explode_on_cleanup "1"
set scr_veh_explosion_doradiusdamage "1"
set scr_veh_explosion_maxdamage "200"
set scr_veh_explosion_mindamage "20"
set scr_veh_explosion_radius "256"

set scr_veh_alive_cleanuptimemax "120"
set scr_veh_alive_cleanuptimemin "119"
set scr_veh_cleanupabandoned "1"
set scr_veh_cleanupdrifted "1"
set scr_veh_cleanupmaxspeedmph "1"
set scr_veh_cleanupmindistancefeet "75"
set scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfactor_deadtread "0.25"
set scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfactor_max "1.0"
set scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfactor_min "0.33"
set scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfraction_curve_begin "0.0"
set scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfraction_curve_end "1.0"
set scr_veh_dead_cleanuptimemax "30"
set scr_veh_dead_cleanuptimemin "20"
set scr_veh_disappear_maxpreventdistancefeet "30"
set scr_veh_disappear_maxpreventvisibilityfeet "150"
set scr_veh_disappear_maxwaittime "60"
set scr_veh_explosion_husk_forcepointvariance "30"
set scr_veh_explosion_husk_horzvelocityvariance "25"
set scr_veh_explosion_husk_vertvelocitymax "200"
set scr_veh_explosion_husk_vertvelocitymin "100"
set scr_veh_explosion_spawnfx "1"
set scr_veh_ondeath_createhusk "1"
set scr_veh_ondeath_usevehicleashusk "1"
set scr_veh_respawnafterhuskcleanup "1"
set scr_veh_respawnwait_iterationwaitseconds "1"
set scr_veh_respawnwait_maxiterations "30"
set scr_veh_waittillstoppedandmindist_maxtime "10"
set scr_veh_waittillstoppedandmindist_maxtimeenabledistfeet "5"

// Fire
set fire_audio_random_max_duration "1000"
set fire_audio_repeat_duration "1500"
set fire_spread_probability "0"
set fire_stage1_burn_time "3000"
set fire_stage2_burn_time "0"
set fire_stage3_burn_time "0"
set fire_world_damage "20"
set fire_world_damage_duration "8"
set fire_world_damage_rate "0.25"

// Flares
set flare_distance_scale "16"
set flare_duration "8"
set flare_effect_radius "400"
set flareBurnOutFadeWait "0.65"
set flareDisableEffects "0"
set flareLookAwayFadeWait "0.45"

set ex_proximity_Satchel "1"

set ex_proximitySatchelDetonateRadius "150"
set ex_proximitySatchelTimeBeforeDetonate "0.45"

// Minefields
// 0 = Minefields OFF
// 1 = Minefields ON (default)
// 2 = Gas Minefields
// 3 = Napalm Minefields
// 4 = Radiation Fields
set ex_minefields "3"

// Minimum and maximum damage by gas mines
// 1 - 100, default 50 (min) to 75 (max)
//set ex_gasmine_min "50"
//set ex_gasmine_max "75"

// Minimum and maximum damage by napalm mines
// 1 - 100, default 50 (min) to 75 (max)
//set ex_napalmmine_min "50"
//set ex_napalmmine_max "75"

// Minimum and maximum damage by radiation fields
// 1 - 100, default 50 (min) to 75 (max)
//set ex_radiationmine_min "50"
//set ex_radiationmine_max "75"

// Laserdot
// laserdot transparency
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enabled, always on
// 2 = enabled, only when aiming down scope
// 3 = enabled, only when NOT aiming down scope
set ex_laserdot "3"

// Static Cross - if ON, you must disable ex_laserdot
//set ex_static_cross "0"

// laser dot size min = 1 max = 5
// min = 1, max = 10, default = 2
//set ex_laserdot_size "2"

// color (default 1,0,0)
//set ex_laserdot_red "1"
//set ex_laserdot_green "1"
//set ex_laserdot_blue "0"

// Turrets
// 0 = no turrets
// 1 = allow (default)
//set ex_turrets "0"

// turret overheating
// turrets will overheat after shooting it for some time
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enabled (default)
//set ex_turretoverheat "1"

// turret overheating rate
// 1 = slow, 2 = normal, 3 = fast, 4 = very fast (default = 2)
//set ex_turretoverheat_heatrate "2"

// turret cool down rate
// 1 = slow, 2 = normal, 3 = fast, 4 = very fast (default = 2)
//set ex_turretoverheat_coolrate "2"

// Sniper Zoom Levels
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_zoom "1"

// minimum zoom level allowed
// min = 1, max = 10 (default = 1)
//set ex_zoom_min "1"

// maximum zoom level allowed
// min = ex_zoom_min, max = 10 (default = 10)
set ex_zoom_max "9"

// default zoom level
// min = ex_zoom_min, max = ex_zoom_max (default = 7)
//set ex_zoom_default "4"

// reset zoom level when switching levels
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
//set ex_zoom_switchreset "0"

// reset zoom level when toggling ADS
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable (binos=default)
set ex_zoom_adsreset "0"

// gradual increase or decrease of zoom level
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
//set ex_zoom_gradual "1"
//    weapons and perks can be defined as all or only specific custom classes..
//        = No Class
//      1 = Class 1
//      2 = Class 2
//      3 = Class 3
//      4 = Class 4
//      5 = Class 5
//      6 = Class 6
//      7 = Class 7
//      8 = Class 8
//      9 = Class 9
//      0 = Class 10
//   To make a weapon valid for multiple countries string the numbers together...
//   e.g..
//      12       = Class 1 and Class 2
//      24       = Class 2 and Class 3
//      1234567890    = All Classes
//      12345    = All Classes

//    Allow Perks - not valid is ranked
set ex_allow_CustomPerks   1
set ex_allow_detectexplosives "1234567890"
set ex_allow_bulletaccuracy   "1234567890"
set ex_allow_fraggrenade "1234567890"
set ex_allow_fireproof "1234567890"
set ex_allow_greased_bearings "1234567890"
set ex_allow_longersprint "1234567890"
set ex_allow_pistoldeath "1234567890"
set ex_allow_shades "1234567890"
set ex_allow_weapon_betty "1234567890"
set ex_allow_bulletdamage "1234567890"
set ex_allow_explosivedamage "1234567890"
set ex_allow_rof "1234567890"
set ex_allow_flak_jacket "1234567890"
set ex_allow_grenadepulldeath "1234567890"
set ex_allow_quieter "1234567890"
set ex_allow_specialgrenade "1234567890"
set ex_allow_weapon_flamethrower "1234567890"
set ex_allow_armorvest "1234567890"
set ex_allow_bulletpenetration "1234567890"
set ex_allow_extraammo "1234567890"
set ex_allow_gas_mask "1234567890"
set ex_allow_holdbreath "1234567890"
set ex_allow_ordinance "1234567890"
set ex_allow_recon ""
set ex_allow_twoprimaries ""
set ex_allow_weapon_rpg "1234567890"
set ex_allow_boost "1234567890"
set ex_allow_fastreload "1234567890"
set ex_allow_gpsjammer ""
set ex_allow_reconnaissance ""
set ex_allow_leadfoot "1234567890"
set ex_allow_pin_back "1234567890"
set ex_allow_water_cooled "1234567890"
set ex_allow_weapon_satchel "1234567890"

//    Allow Weapons - not valid is ranked
//    weapons and perks can be defined as all or only specific custom classes..
//        = No Class
//      1 = Class 1
//      2 = Class 2
//      3 = Class 3
//      4 = Class 4
//      5 = Class 5
//      6 = Class 6
//      7 = Class 7
//      8 = Class 8
//      9 = Class 9
//      0 = Class 10

set ex_allow_CustomWeapons 1
set ex_colt "1234567890"
set ex_nambu "1234567890"
set ex_walther "1234567890"
set ex_tokarev "1234567890"
set ex_357magnum "1234567890"
set ex_thompson "1234567890"
set ex_thompson_silenced "1234567890"
set ex_thompson_aperture "1234567890"
set ex_thompson_bigammo "1234567890"
set ex_mp40 "1234567890"
set ex_mp40_silenced "1234567890"
set ex_mp40_aperture "1234567890"
set ex_mp40_bigammo "1234567890"
set ex_type100smg "1234567890"
set ex_type100smg_silenced "1234567890"
set ex_type100smg_aperture "1234567890"
set ex_type100smg_bigammo "1234567890"
set ex_ppsh "1234567890"
set ex_ppsh_aperture "1234567890"
set ex_ppsh_bigammo "1234567890"
set ex_svt40 "1234567890"
set ex_svt40_flash "1234567890"
set ex_svt40_apeture "1234567890"
set ex_svt40_telescopic "1234567890"
set ex_gewehr43 "1234567890"
set ex_gewehr43_silenced "1234567890"
set ex_gewehr43_apeture "1234567890"
set ex_gewehr43_telescopic "1234567890"
set ex_gewehr43_gl "1234567890"
set ex_m1garand "1234567890"
set ex_m1garand_flash "1234567890"
set ex_m1garand_bayonet "1234567890"
set ex_m1garand_gl "1234567890"
set ex_m1garand_scoped "1234567890"
set ex_m1carbine "1234567890"
set ex_m1carbine_flash "1234567890"
set ex_m1carbine_apeture "1234567890"
set ex_m1carbine_bayonet "1234567890"
set ex_m1carbine_bigammo "1234567890"
set ex_stg44 "1234567890"
set ex_stg44_flash "1234567890"
set ex_stg44_apeture "1234567890"
set ex_stg44_telescopic "1234567890"
set ex_30cal "1234567890"
set ex_30cal_bipod "1234567890"
set ex_mg42 "1234567890"
set ex_mg42_bipod "1234567890"
set ex_dp28 "1234567890"
set ex_dp28_bipod "1234567890"
set ex_m2_flamethrower "1234567890"
set ex_bazooka "1234567890"
set ex_springfield "1234567890"
set ex_springfield_scoped "1234567890"
set ex_springfield_bayonet "1234567890"
set ex_springfield_gl "1234567890"
set ex_mosinrifle "1234567890"
set ex_mosinrifle_scoped "1234567890"
set ex_mosinrifle_bayonet "1234567890"
set ex_mosinrifle_gl "1234567890"
set ex_type99rifle "1234567890"
set ex_type99rifle_scoped "1234567890"
set ex_type99rifle_bayonet "1234567890"
set ex_type99rifle_gl "1234567890"
set ex_kar98k "1234567890"
set ex_kar98k_scoped "1234567890"
set ex_kar98k_bayonet "1234567890"
set ex_kar98k_gl "1234567890"
set ex_ptrs41 "1234567890"
set ex_shotgun "1234567890"
set ex_shotgun_grip "1234567890"
set ex_shotgun_bayonet "1234567890"
set ex_doublebarreledshotgun "1234567890"
set ex_doublebarreledshotgun_grip "1234567890"
set ex_doublebarreledshotgun_sawoff "1234567890"
set ex_type99lmg "1234567890"
set ex_type99lmg_bipod "1234567890"
set ex_type99lmg_bayonet "1234567890"
set ex_fg42 "1234567890"
set ex_fg42_bipob "1234567890"
set ex_fg42_telescopic "1234567890"
set ex_bar "1234567890"
set ex_bar_bipob "1234567890"
set ex_bar_comp "1234567890"
set ex_dp28 "1234567890"
set ex_dp28_bipob "1234567890"
set ex_mine_bouncing_betty "1234567890"
set ex_satchel_charge "1234567890"

//    Loadout primary and secondary nades..
set ex_frag_grenade "1234567890"
set ex_molotov "1234567890"
set ex_white_smoke "1234567890"
set ex_tabun_gas "1234567890"
set ex_sticky_grenade "1234567890"
set ex_signal_flare "1234567890"

//    Default Loadout for Base Classes - not valid is ranked
// Be carefull you can really mess things up here... you have been warned....
// If there are errors you will get either the default class options,  or nothing in your loadouts.. so
// test your config before making it live....
// Weapon Options.....
// ==================
//   colt
//   nambu
//   walther
//   tokarev
//   357magnum
//   nambu
//   walther
//   tokarev
//   357magnum
//   thompson
//   mp40
//   type100smg
//   ppsh
//   svt40
//   gewehr43
//   m1garand
//   m1carbine
//   stg44
//   30cal
//   mg42
//   dp28
//   m2_flamethrower
//   bazooka
//   springfield
//   mosinrifle
//   type99rifle
//   kar98k
//   ptrs41
//   shotgun
//   doublebarreledshotgun
//   type99lmg
//   fg42
//   bar
//   dp28
// Grenade Options
// ===============
//   frag_grenade
//   molotov
//   m8_white_smoke
//   tabun_gas
//   sticky_grenade
//   signal_flare
// Perk/Speciality Options
// =======================
//   specialty_detectexplosive
//   specialty_extraammo
//   specialty_gpsjammer
//   specialty_explosivedamage
//   specialty_flakjacket
//   specialty_bulletdamage
//   specialty_rof
//   specialty_fastreload
//   specialty_twoprimaries
//   specialty_armorvest
//   specialty_pin_back
//   specialty_shades
//   specialty_gas_mask
//   specialty_holdbreath
//   specialty_quieter
//   specialty_longersprint
//   specialty_pistoldeath
//   specialty_grenadepulldeath
//   specialty_bulletpenetration
//   specialty_bulletaccuracy
//   specialty_fireproof
//   specialty_reconnaissance
//   specialty_greased_barrings
//   specialty_water_cooled
//   specialty_ordinance
//   specialty_leadfoot
//   specialty_boost
//   specialty_fraggrenade
//   specialty_specialgrenade
// Inventory/Wepaon based perk/Speciality Options - ONLY ONE WILL WORK - PREFERABLY IN PERK 1 SLOT
// ===============================================================================================
//   specialty_weapon_satchel_charge
//   specialty_weapon_bouncing_betty
//   specialty_weapon_bazooka
//   specialty_weapon_flamethrower


// Class control option...
// 1 = Custom Loadouts no change,  This option will force the player to seelct custom loadouts... as defined in the custom loadouts, no changing loadouts
// 2 = Custom Loadouts w/change,  This option will force the player to seelct custom loadouts... as defined in the custom loadouts, allow changing loadouts
// 3 = Custom Loadouts country based without class change ability.
// 4 = Custom Loadouts country based with class change ability.
set ex_class_control 4   
set ex_Loadout_Title "eXtreme Loadouts"

// Due to the multiple methods of controlling which loadouts are available,  you should always provide a generic default class..
// this class is specifically enabled if there is a conflict between the class limits by country and or by map rotation, or by max counts..
// ----- This is so a player is ecluded from all classes and they would not be able to join the game...
// 1 thru 10,  Default is 10
set ex_class_override 10   

// Use safe loadout options... this option when enabled will ensure that any invalid loadout options are automatically resolved
// using the standard loadouts for the standard classes,  So if you enter an invalid weapon this options will replace it with a valid weapon..
// if you disable this option and have an invalid weapon you will get nothing in that loadout slot.
set ex_safe_loadouts 0    // 0 = Disabled (Default),  1 = Enabled

// Loadout Version control..
// If you give the ability to change your loadouts,  once a player has changed the loadouts they are saved in thier local profile
// this means that no matter how you change the loadouts they will always get thier loadout not you new configuration.. by changing
// this reference to a different value than currently the players profile will be out off date and they will be reset to
// your default loadouts, even if you allow change this time..
set ex_loadout_version 3   // value between 0 and 99999   just increment for each reset or loadouts, if you want players to reset

// Allow Class1 to be selected...
// 0 = Do not allow Class1
// 1 = (Default) Allow Class1
set ex_Class1_Allow 1
set ex_Class1_name "Assault"
set ex_Class1_change "^4(Edit)"
set ex_Class1_ModelType 0        // 0=ASSAULT, 1=SNIPER, 2=SUPPORT, 3=RECON, 4=SPECOPS, 5=FLAMETHROWER
set ex_Class1_Primary "svt40"
set ex_Class1_Secondary "colt"
set ex_Class1_Primary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class1_Secondary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class1_Specialty1 "specialty_weapon_satchel_charge"
set ex_Class1_Specialty2 "specialty_bulletdamage"
set ex_Class1_Specialty3 "specialty_longersprint"
set ex_Class1_Specialty4 "specialty_water_cooled"
set ex_Class1_Primary_Grenade "frag_grenade"
set ex_Class1_Special_Grenade "signal_flare"
set ex_Class1_Primary_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class1_Special_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class1_MoveScale "95"
set ex_Class1_Special_Camo "camo_none"
set ex_Class1_Max_allies 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for allies
set ex_Class1_Max_axis 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for axis
set ex_Class1_CountrySpecific   1234   // 1 = USA, 2 = Russian, 3 = Germany, 4 = Japan,  string numbers for multiples.. i.e. 12 = USA and Russian, 1234 = all
set ex_Class1_Always_lock   1   // this option allows you to lock this class, even if the control allows change 0=use control, 1=locked..
set ex_Class1_lock_none      0   // If any weapon defined as "none",  allow change if change allowed 0=default (use general option), 1=Lock None from change....

// Allow Class2 to be selected...
// 0 = Do not allow Class2
// 1 = (Default) Allow Class2
set ex_Class2_Allow 1
set ex_Class2_name "Special Ops"
set ex_Class2_change "^4(Edit)"
set ex_Class2_ModelType 4       // 0=ASSAULT, 1=SNIPER, 2=SUPPORT, 3=RECON, 4=SPECOPS, 5=FLAMETHROWER
set ex_Class2_Primary "thompson"
set ex_Class2_Secondary "colt"
set ex_Class2_Primary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class2_Secondary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class2_Specialty1 "specialty_specialgrenade"
set ex_Class2_Specialty2 "specialty_gas_mask"
set ex_Class2_Specialty3 "specialty_bulletaccuracy"
set ex_Class2_Specialty4 "specialty_water_cooled"
set ex_Class2_Primary_Grenade "frag_grenade"
set ex_Class2_Special_Grenade "signal_flare"
set ex_Class2_Primary_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class2_Special_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class2_MoveScale "100"
set ex_Class2_Special_Camo "camo_none"
set ex_Class2_Max_allies 90      // Maximum number of Assualt players for allies
set ex_Class2_Max_axis 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for axis
set ex_Class2_CountrySpecific   1234   // 1 = USA, 2 = Russian, 3 = Germany, 4 = Japan,  string numbers for multiples.. i.e. 12 = USA and Russian, 1234 = all
set ex_Class2_Always_lock   1   // this option allows you to lock this class, even if the control allows change 0=use control, 1=locked..
set ex_Class2_lock_none      0   // If any weapon defined as "none",  allow change if change allowed 0=default (use general option), 1=Lock None from change....

// Allow Class3 to be selected...
// 0 = Do not allow Class3
// 1 = (Default) Allow Class3
set ex_Class3_Allow 1
set ex_Class3_name "Heavy Gunner"
set ex_Class3_change "^4(Edit)"
set ex_Class3_ModelType 2      //  0=ASSAULT, 1=SNIPER, 2=SUPPORT, 3=RECON, 4=SPECOPS, 5=FLAMETHROWER
set ex_Class3_Primary "type99lmg"
set ex_Class3_Secondary "nambu"
set ex_Class3_Primary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class3_Secondary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class3_Specialty1 "specialty_specialgrenade"
set ex_Class3_Specialty2 "specialty_flakjacket"
set ex_Class3_Specialty3 "specialty_bulletpenetration"
set ex_Class3_Specialty4 "specialty_water_cooled"
set ex_Class3_Primary_Grenade "frag_grenade"
set ex_Class3_Special_Grenade "tabun_gas"
set ex_Class3_Primary_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class3_Special_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class3_MoveScale "85"
set ex_Class3_Special_Camo "camo_none"
set ex_Class3_Max_allies 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for allies
set ex_Class3_Max_axis 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for axis
set ex_Class3_CountrySpecific   1234   // 1 = USA, 2 = Russian, 3 = Germany, 4 = Japan,  string numbers for multiples.. i.e. 12 = USA and Russian, 1234 = all
set ex_Class3_Always_lock   1   // this option allows you to lock this class, even if the control allows change 0=use control, 1=locked..
set ex_Class3_lock_none      0   // If any weapon defined as "none",  allow change if change allowed 0=default (use general option), 1=Lock None from change....

// Allow Class4 to be selected...
// 0 = Do not allow Class4
// 1 = (Default) Allow Class4
set ex_Class4_Allow 1
set ex_Class4_name "Demolitions"
set ex_Class4_change "^4(Edit)"
set ex_Class4_ModelType 5      //  0=ASSAULT, 1=SNIPER, 2=SUPPORT, 3=RECON, 4=SPECOPS, 5=FLAMETHROWER
set ex_Class4_Primary "shotgun"
set ex_Class4_Secondary "walther"
set ex_Class4_Primary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class4_Secondary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class4_Specialty1 "specialty_weapon_bazooka"
set ex_Class4_Specialty2 "specialty_explosivedamage"
set ex_Class4_Specialty3 "specialty_longersprint"
set ex_Class4_Specialty4 "specialty_greased_barrings"
set ex_Class4_Primary_Grenade "sticky_grenade"
set ex_Class4_Special_Grenade "tabun_gas"
set ex_Class4_Primary_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class4_Special_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class4_MoveScale "90"
set ex_Class4_Special_Camo "camo_none"
set ex_Class4_Max_allies 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for allies
set ex_Class4_Max_axis 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for axis
set ex_Class4_CountrySpecific   1234   // 1 = USA, 2 = Russian, 3 = Germany, 4 = Japan,  string numbers for multiples.. i.e. 12 = USA and Russian, 1234 = all
set ex_Class4_Always_lock   1   // this option allows you to lock this class, even if the control allows change 0=use control, 1=locked..
set ex_Class4_lock_none      0   // If any weapon defined as "none",  allow change if change allowed 0=default (use general option), 1=Lock None from change....

// Allow Class5 to be selected...
// 0 = Do not allow Class5
// 1 = (Default) Allow Class5
set ex_Class5_Allow 1
set ex_Class5_name "Sniper"
set ex_Class5_change "^4(Edit)"
set ex_Class5_ModelType 4      //  0=ASSAULT, 1=SNIPER, 2=SUPPORT, 3=RECON, 4=SPECOPS, 5=FLAMETHROWER
set ex_Class5_Primary "springfield"
set ex_Class5_Secondary "colt"
set ex_Class5_Primary_Attachment "scoped"
set ex_Class5_Secondary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class5_Specialty1 "specialty_weapon_satchel_charge"
set ex_Class5_Specialty2 "specialty_bulletdamage"
set ex_Class5_Specialty3 "specialty_bulletpenetration"
set ex_Class5_Specialty4 "specialty_water_cooled"
set ex_Class5_Primary_Grenade "frag_grenade"
set ex_Class5_Special_Grenade "sticky_grenade"
set ex_Class5_Primary_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class5_Special_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class5_MoveScale "90"
set ex_Class5_Special_Camo "camo_none"
set ex_Class5_Max_allies 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for allies
set ex_Class5_Max_axis 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for axis
set ex_Class5_CountrySpecific   1234   // 1 = USA, 2 = Russian, 3 = Germany, 4 = Japan,  string numbers for multiples.. i.e. 12 = USA and Russian, 1234 = all
set ex_Class5_Always_lock   1   // this option allows you to lock this class, even if the control allows change 0=use control, 1=locked..
set ex_Class5_lock_none      0   // If any weapon defined as "none",  allow change if change allowed 0=default (use general option), 1=Lock None from change....

// Allow Class6 to be selected...
// 0 = Do not allow Class6
// 1 = (Default) Allow Class6
set ex_Class6_Allow 1
set ex_Class6_name "Assault - Custom"
set ex_Class6_change "^4(Edit)"
set ex_Class6_ModelType 0        // 0=ASSAULT, 1=SNIPER, 2=SUPPORT, 3=RECON, 4=SPECOPS, 5=FLAMETHROWER
set ex_Class6_Primary "svt40"
set ex_Class6_Secondary "colt"
set ex_Class6_Primary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class6_Secondary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class6_Specialty1 "specialty_weapon_satchel_charge"
set ex_Class6_Specialty2 "specialty_bulletdamage"
set ex_Class6_Specialty3 "specialty_longersprint"
set ex_Class6_Specialty4 "specialty_water_cooled"
set ex_Class6_Primary_Grenade "frag_grenade"
set ex_Class6_Special_Grenade "signal_flare"
set ex_Class6_Primary_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class6_Special_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class6_MoveScale "95"
set ex_Class6_Special_Camo "camo_none"
set ex_Class6_Max_allies 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for allies
set ex_Class6_Max_axis 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for axis
set ex_Class6_CountrySpecific   1234   // 1 = USA, 2 = Russian, 3 = Germany, 4 = Japan,  string numbers for multiples.. i.e. 12 = USA and Russian, 1234 = all
set ex_Class6_Always_lock   0   // this option allows you to lock this class, even if the control allows change 0=use control, 1=locked..
set ex_Class6_lock_none      0   // If any weapon defined as "none",  allow change if change allowed 0=default (use general option), 1=Lock None from change....

// Allow Class7 to be selected...
// 0 = Do not allow Class7
// 1 = (Default) Allow Class7
set ex_Class7_Allow 1
set ex_Class7_name "Special Ops - Custom"
set ex_Class7_change "^4(Edit)"
set ex_Class7_ModelType 4       // 0=ASSAULT, 1=SNIPER, 2=SUPPORT, 3=RECON, 4=SPECOPS, 5=FLAMETHROWER
set ex_Class7_Primary "thompson"
set ex_Class7_Secondary "colt"
set ex_Class7_Primary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class7_Secondary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class7_Specialty1 "specialty_specialgrenade"
set ex_Class7_Specialty2 "specialty_gas_mask"
set ex_Class7_Specialty3 "specialty_bulletaccuracy"
set ex_Class7_Specialty4 "specialty_water_cooled"
set ex_Class7_Primary_Grenade "frag_grenade"
set ex_Class7_Special_Grenade "signal_flare"
set ex_Class7_Primary_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class7_Special_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class7_MoveScale "100"
set ex_Class7_Special_Camo "camo_none"
set ex_Class7_Max_allies 90      // Maximum number of Assualt players for allies
set ex_Class7_Max_axis 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for axis
set ex_Class7_CountrySpecific   1234   // 1 = USA, 2 = Russian, 3 = Germany, 4 = Japan,  string numbers for multiples.. i.e. 12 = USA and Russian, 1234 = all
set ex_Class7_Always_lock   0   // this option allows you to lock this class, even if the control allows change 0=use control, 1=locked..
set ex_Class7_lock_none      0   // If any weapon defined as "none",  allow change if change allowed 0=default (use general option), 1=Lock None from change....

// Allow Class8 to be selected...
// 0 = Do not allow Class8
// 1 = (Default) Allow Class8
set ex_Class8_Allow 1
set ex_Class8_name "Heavy Gunner - Custom"
set ex_Class8_change "^4(Edit)"
set ex_Class8_ModelType 2      //  0=ASSAULT, 1=SNIPER, 2=SUPPORT, 3=RECON, 4=SPECOPS, 5=FLAMETHROWER
set ex_Class8_Primary "type99lmg"
set ex_Class8_Secondary "nambu"
set ex_Class8_Primary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class8_Secondary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class8_Specialty1 "specialty_specialgrenade"
set ex_Class8_Specialty2 "specialty_flakjacket"
set ex_Class8_Specialty3 "specialty_bulletpenetration"
set ex_Class8_Specialty4 "specialty_water_cooled"
set ex_Class8_Primary_Grenade "frag_grenade"
set ex_Class8_Special_Grenade "tabun_gas"
set ex_Class8_Primary_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class8_Special_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class8_MoveScale "85"
set ex_Class8_Special_Camo "camo_none"
set ex_Class8_Max_allies 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for allies
set ex_Class8_Max_axis 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for axis
set ex_Class8_CountrySpecific   1234   // 1 = USA, 2 = Russian, 3 = Germany, 4 = Japan,  string numbers for multiples.. i.e. 12 = USA and Russian, 1234 = all
set ex_Class8_Always_lock   0   // this option allows you to lock this class, even if the control allows change 0=use control, 1=locked..
set ex_Class8_lock_none      0   // If any weapon defined as "none",  allow change if change allowed 0=default (use general option), 1=Lock None from change....

// Allow Class9 to be selected...
// 0 = Do not allow Class9
// 1 = (Default) Allow Class9
set ex_Class9_Allow 1
set ex_Class9_name "Demolitions - Custom"
set ex_Class9_change "^4(Edit)"
set ex_Class9_ModelType 5      //  0=ASSAULT, 1=SNIPER, 2=SUPPORT, 3=RECON, 4=SPECOPS, 5=FLAMETHROWER
set ex_Class9_Primary "shotgun"
set ex_Class9_Secondary "walther"
set ex_Class9_Primary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class9_Secondary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class9_Specialty1 "specialty_weapon_bazooka"
set ex_Class9_Specialty2 "specialty_explosivedamage"
set ex_Class9_Specialty3 "specialty_longersprint"
set ex_Class9_Specialty4 "specialty_greased_barrings"
set ex_Class9_Primary_Grenade "sticky_grenade"
set ex_Class9_Special_Grenade "tabun_gas"
set ex_Class9_Primary_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class9_Special_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class9_MoveScale "90"
set ex_Class9_Special_Camo "camo_none"
set ex_Class9_Max_allies 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for allies
set ex_Class9_Max_axis 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for axis
set ex_Class9_CountrySpecific   1234   // 1 = USA, 2 = Russian, 3 = Germany, 4 = Japan,  string numbers for multiples.. i.e. 12 = USA and Russian, 1234 = all
set ex_Class9_Always_lock   0   // this option allows you to lock this class, even if the control allows change 0=use control, 1=locked..
set ex_Class9_lock_none      0   // If any weapon defined as "none",  allow change if change allowed 0=default (use general option), 1=Lock None from change....

// Allow Class10 to be selected...
// 0 = Do not allow Class10
// 1 = (Default) Allow Class10
set ex_Class10_Allow 1
set ex_Class10_name "Sniper - Custom"
set ex_Class10_change "^4(Edit)"
set ex_Class10_ModelType 4      //  0=ASSAULT, 1=SNIPER, 2=SUPPORT, 3=RECON, 4=SPECOPS, 5=FLAMETHROWER
set ex_Class10_Primary "springfield"
set ex_Class10_Secondary "colt"
set ex_Class10_Primary_Attachment "scoped"
set ex_Class10_Secondary_Attachment "none"
set ex_Class10_Specialty1 "specialty_weapon_satchel_charge"
set ex_Class10_Specialty2 "specialty_bulletdamage"
set ex_Class10_Specialty3 "specialty_bulletpenetration"
set ex_Class10_Specialty4 "specialty_water_cooled"
set ex_Class10_Primary_Grenade "frag_grenade"
set ex_Class10_Special_Grenade "sticky_grenade"
set ex_Class10_Primary_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class10_Special_Grenade_count 2
set ex_Class10_MoveScale "90"
set ex_Class10_Special_Camo "camo_none"
set ex_Class10_Max_allies 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for allies
set ex_Class10_Max_axis 99      // Maximum number of Assualt players for axis
set ex_Class10_CountrySpecific   1234   // 1 = USA, 2 = Russian, 3 = Germany, 4 = Japan,  string numbers for multiples.. i.e. 12 = USA and Russian, 1234 = all
set ex_Class10_Always_lock   0   // this option allows you to lock this class, even if the control allows change 0=use control, 1=locked..
set ex_Class10_lock_none      0   // If any weapon defined as "none",  allow change if change allowed 0=default (use general option), 1=Lock None from change....

Offline Joker{eXtreme}

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Re: No weapons on the x5v2.5
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2009, 08:26:52 pm »
set ex_class_control 4

Ok, how about your map rotation now?

Offline Choobie

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Re: No weapons on the x5v2.5
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2009, 04:40:07 pm »
ok  I set this

set ex_class_control 4
set ex_Loadout_Title "eXtreme Loadouts"

set ex_Loadout_Title "1"

is this correct because I still have no weapons
should I try 2, 3, or 4?
when I start server it shows custom classes are locked

Offline Joker{eXtreme}

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Re: No weapons on the x5v2.5
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2009, 05:54:57 pm »
Post up your map rotation buddy

Offline Choobie

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Re: No weapons on the x5v2.5
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2009, 08:22:54 pm »
here it is

// Call of Duty 5 - eXtreme+ modification
// author     : eXtreme+ Support Crew
// email      :
// website    :
// mod        : X5 : eXtreme+ Warfare
// version    : v2.5
// update     : October 2009

// Map control settings
// automatically try to fix errors in maprotation. After this has been done the cvar will be set
// to "0" so that it will only run when you start the server or reload your configs.
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable (once)
set ex_fix_maprotation "1"

// use random map rotation
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
//set ex_random_maprotation "0"

// rotate map if server is empty for the set number of minutes
// 0 = disable
// 1 - 1440 = minutes (default)
set ex_rotate_if_empty "10"

// Player number based map rotation
// here you can set your server to use custom map rotations based on the amount of players
// on the server at that time. As more people join the server, the game will use a different rotation.
// If enabled this will kick in after the first gametype/map and is checked again at the end of a map
// to ensure the amount of players is detected before the next map begins.

// player based rotation global
// 0 = disable, 1 = enable, default = 0
//set ex_pbrotate "1"

// this is the maximum number of players before the server outgrows the SMALL map rotation,
// and switches to the MEDIUM rotation.
// It will automatically fall back to the SMALL rotation if the number of players drops to this number.
// min = 0, max = 64, default = 0;
//set ex_pbrsmall "2"

// this is the maximum number of players before the server outgrows the MEDIUM map rotation,
// and switches to the LARGE rotation.
// It will automatically fall back to the MEDIUM rotation if the number of players drops to this number.
// min = 0, max = 64, default = 0;
//set ex_pbrmedium "4"

// set your SMALL map rotation.
// Use it exactly like you would sv_maprotation.
//set scr_small_rotation ""

// set your MEDIUM map rotation.
// Use it exactly like you would sv_maprotation.
//set scr_med_rotation ""

// set your LARGE map rotation.
// Use it exactly like you would sv_maprotation.
//set scr_large_rotation ""

// Clear Map Rotation (do NOT edit)
set sv_maprotationcurrent ""

// First gametype to load (if not specified in sv_mapRotation)
// "ctf"
// "dm"
// "dom"
// "koth"
// "sab"
// "sd"
// "tdm"
// "twar"
set g_gametype "dm"

// Map Rotation (only activate ONE sv_maprotation line)

// X5... Class based rotation,  each time you define a different game type the class must follow.. if the gametype keyword definitino is found
// without a class keyword definition then the class will default to the previous class definition
// if no class is defined then the default class will be used... i.e. All Classes... where 1=X5 Class 1, 2=X5 Class 2 etc..
//    Class control option
//      1 = Class 1
//      2 = Class 2
//      3 = Class 3
//      4 = Class 4
//      5 = Class 5
//      6 = Class 6
//      7 = Class 7
//      8 = Class 8
//      9 = Class 9
//      0 = Class 10

//set sv_mapRotation "gametype ctf class 1234567890 map mp_airfield map mp_asylum map mp_castle map mp_courtyard map mp_dome map mp_downfall map mp_hangar map mp_makin map mp_makin_day map mp_outskirts map mp_roundhouse map mp_seelow map mp_shrine map mp_suburban"

set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm class 1234567890 map mp_airfield map mp_asylum map mp_castle map mp_courtyard map mp_dome map mp_downfall map mp_hangar map mp_makin map mp_makin_day map mp_outskirts map mp_roundhouse map mp_seelow map mp_shrine map mp_suburban"

//set sv_mapRotation "gametype dom class 1234567890 map mp_airfield map mp_asylum map mp_castle map mp_courtyard map mp_dome map mp_downfall map mp_hangar map mp_makin map mp_makin_day map mp_outskirts map mp_roundhouse map mp_seelow map mp_shrine map mp_suburban"

//set sv_mapRotation "gametype koth class 1234567890 map mp_airfield map mp_asylum map mp_castle map mp_courtyard map mp_dome map mp_downfall map mp_hangar map mp_makin map mp_makin_day map mp_outskirts map mp_roundhouse map mp_seelow map mp_shrine map mp_suburban"

//set sv_mapRotation "gametype sab class 1234567890 map mp_airfield map mp_asylum map mp_castle map mp_courtyard map mp_dome map mp_downfall map mp_hangar map mp_makin map mp_makin_day map mp_outskirts map mp_roundhouse map mp_seelow map mp_shrine map mp_suburban"

//set sv_mapRotation "gametype sd class 1234567890 map mp_airfield map mp_asylum map mp_castle map mp_courtyard map mp_dome map mp_downfall map mp_hangar map mp_makin map mp_makin_day map mp_outskirts map mp_roundhouse map mp_seelow map mp_shrine map mp_suburban"

//set sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm class 1234567890 map mp_airfield map mp_asylum map mp_castle map mp_courtyard map mp_dome map mp_downfall map mp_hangar map mp_makin map mp_makin_day map mp_outskirts map mp_roundhouse map mp_seelow map mp_shrine map mp_suburban"

//set sv_mapRotation "gametype twar class 1234567890 map mp_airfield map mp_asylum map mp_castle map mp_courtyard map mp_dome map mp_downfall map mp_hangar map mp_makin map mp_makin_day map mp_outskirts map mp_roundhouse map mp_seelow map mp_shrine map mp_suburban"

//set sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm class 1234567890 map mp_dome gametype tdm class 1234567890 map mp_asylum gametype tdm class 1234567890 map mp_castle gametype tdm class 1234567890 map mp_courtyard gametype tdm class 1234567890 map mp_dome gametype tdm class 1234567890 map mp_downfall"

// Map Rotation Stacker
// If you need a very long map rotation, or you just want to organize the map rotation
// into managable chunks, you can split your rotation into several lines by using the
// rotation stacker. You can add as many lines as you like, but always start at 1,
// and don't skip numbers (no gaps)
//set sv_mapRotation ""
//set sv_mapRotation1 ""
//set sv_mapRotation2 ""
//set sv_mapRotation3 ""

Offline Joker{eXtreme}

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Re: No weapons on the x5v2.5
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2009, 09:23:21 pm »
Very odd Choobie, what is the servers IP?

Offline Choobie

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Re: No weapons on the x5v2.5
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2009, 01:46:57 am »
I haven't uploaded it to our server yet.
Just wnated to test it out on my machine
am running the x51.0 right now

is there suppose to be a weapons folder in the iwd for the latest x5?
didn't see one there.

anyways, I have the new mod same place as the 1.0 for testing  only the 1.0  works

Offline Joker{eXtreme}

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Re: No weapons on the x5v2.5
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2009, 09:08:34 am »
Ahhh, running on your computer then?

Well, many things come to mind

-- Downloaded a bad zip (we updated the zip a few times with fixes)
-- Running Vista and installed mod in wrong place?
-- Commandline not using correct fs_LocalAppData?

I have X5v2.5 up and running on 2 other servers without any problems -- perhaps I can zip one of those up as is and you can download that?

Offline Chiblue

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Re: No weapons on the x5v2.5
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2009, 02:17:22 pm »
If you are running on your own machine,  you will need to ensure that the server statup command line is set correctly..  I put your configs on my development server,  which is vista and everything works fine so you are either not starting the mod in your startup command or like Joker said you have a corrupted zip...  

Also, how are you connecting to the test server, using a client on the same server or a different machine?  when you connect do you get the download for the iwd and ff...  Another important issue is that you need to make sure that the mod folder name is new,  and not from v1 or v2 of the mod... this is becuase the loadouts get stored in your local clients stats and if you are using the same mod name your will be getting the old loadouts...  

Also you can try changing thew loadout version setting in the weaponcontrol this will ensure it loads the loadout settings from the configs and not the saved stats...