Author Topic: Limited call vote.  (Read 1503 times)

Offline Simenson4

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Limited call vote.
« on: December 13, 2009, 05:42:25 pm »
Hello :) I would like to see a limited callvote being possible. As it's quite irritating when you get a bunch of votes (Spam votes) from same player each map. Ofcourse we can deal with it manually but having a feature which makes it limited would help.

I were thinking in the lines of (g_allowvote) being set to 0 at the server so only 1 vote actually could be possible or 1 vote each player (which is abit more difficault to do).

Anything which limits everyone or a single person to only have 1 vote possible.

Hopefully the eXtreme+ team will find this idea intresting. If not, Please just help me create a script which i can use on my server. I know how to make/edit buttons and make them link to a script. But that's about it :D


Offline PatmanSan

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Re: Limited call vote.
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2009, 06:01:28 pm »
Problem with callvote is that all callvote menu items are handled directly by the game engine, either by "uiScript" or by "exec callvote". We can not intercept the commands in a server script like most other menus. Currently you have limited control over the callvote option by setting callvote delay in mapcontrol.cfg. We could enhance that by using the X4 system instead, which looks like this:

// Call Vote control
// 0 = disable (g_allowvote is not controlled by X4) (default)
// 1 = enable mode 1. callvote disable, then enable after delay
// 2 = enable mode 2. callvote disable, then enable for x seconds, then disable again
// 3 = enable mode 3, callvote disable, then enable for x seconds, then disable for x seconds, and cycle
set ex_callvote_mode "0"

Offline Simenson4

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Re: Limited call vote.
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2009, 05:21:09 am »
If it's necessary ofcourse we can remove the execution keys and make them need to "click" the button. Which fixes the problem that people can change gametype on our server when we got that option disabled.

Yes, It's allmost necessary to add a enchanted function to allmost every callvote button in there. Or just disable the whole thing after any of the votes are being pushed. Either option i would be happy just to reduce the callvote function each map so people don't have to worry about seeing a bunch of votes if 1 or few people don't like it.

I have the callvote delay activated in the start, So people can't make any vote before any people has gotten in allready and the really fast ones get the chance to "skip" the map.
