Author Topic: Lagg after calling in UAV Drone..  (Read 1411 times)

Offline 4peterjan4

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Lagg after calling in UAV Drone..
« on: June 16, 2010, 09:27:46 am »

I just noticed when calling in a UAV Drone in X4 V3.0 you get 2 seconds lagg..

This is what the console does when calling in a UAV Drone.

(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1273)
  thread extreme\_ex_uav::uav_drone_go();
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1233)
    if ( self triggerHardpoint( currentWeapon ) )
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1219)
  self waittill( "weapon_change" );
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1273)
  thread extreme\_ex_uav::uav_drone_go();
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1233)
    if ( self triggerHardpoint( currentWeapon ) )
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1219)
  self waittill( "weapon_change" );

Its a bit irritating  :P

Offline PatmanSan

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Re: Lagg after calling in UAV Drone..
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2010, 11:40:10 am »
Could you please post the actual error, and not just some of the procedure calls that lead to it?

Offline 4peterjan4

  • Rank: Private
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Re: Lagg after calling in UAV Drone..
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2010, 12:53:17 pm »

Code: [Select]
******* script runtime error *******
undefined is not an entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_uav.gsc', line 78)
 level.uavplayer linkTo(level.uav, "tag_player", (4000,0,0), (0,0,0));
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1272)
  thread extreme\_ex_uav::uav_drone_go();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1232)
    if ( self triggerHardpoint( currentWeapon ) )
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1219)
  self waittill( "weapon_change" );
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
undefined is not an entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_uav.gsc', line 81)
 level.uavplayer unlink();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1272)
  thread extreme\_ex_uav::uav_drone_go();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1232)
    if ( self triggerHardpoint( currentWeapon ) )
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1219)
  self waittill( "weapon_change" );
Error: ************************************

Thats what i found in my console_mp.log after calling in a UAV Drone

Greetings Phoenix

Offline 4peterjan4

  • Rank: Private
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  • Posts: 505
Re: Lagg after calling in UAV Drone..
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2010, 12:17:17 pm »
Hm i enabled some of the ambient functions..

And now the whole log is full of errors.

It doesn't crash the server but gives lagg..

Code: [Select]
******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Connecting player #1 has an unknown GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for  (num 1 guid "")

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Connecting player #2 has an unknown GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for  (num 2 guid "")

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Connecting player #3 has an unknown GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for  (num 3 guid "")

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Connecting player #4 has an unknown GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for  (num 4 guid "")

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Connecting player #5 has an unknown GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for  (num 5 guid "")

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Hitch warning: 589 msec frame time
Connecting player #6 has an unknown GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for  (num 6 guid "")

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Connecting player #7 has an unknown GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for  (num 7 guid "")

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Connecting player #8 has an unknown GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for  (num 8 guid "")

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Connecting player #9 has an unknown GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for  (num 9 guid "")
Client 1 connecting with 350 challenge ping from
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for  (num 10 guid "62c844c9dbf64e2cabbc5ba1e205bebe")
Received packet 0 of stats data
Received packet 1 of stats data
Received packet 2 of stats data
Received packet 3 of stats data
Received packet 4 of stats data
Received packet 5 of stats data

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Received packet 6 of stats data
Received packet 6 of stats data
Received packet 6 of stats data

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_airplanes.gsc', line 21)
  if(level.ex_planes_flak && level.ex_flakison)
Error: started from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_airplanes.gsc', line 19)
  wait(delay / 3);
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_airplanes.gsc', line 21)
  if(level.ex_planes_flak && level.ex_flakison)
Error: started from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_airplanes.gsc', line 19)
  wait(delay / 3);
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Hitch warning: 656 msec frame time

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Hitch warning: 536 msec frame time

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Hitch warning: 511 msec frame time

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
      dvar set ui_uav_allies 1

******* script runtime error *******
undefined is not an entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_uav.gsc', line 78)
 level.uavplayer linkTo(level.uav, "tag_player", (4000,0,0), (0,0,0));
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1268)
  thread extreme\_ex_uav::uav_drone_go();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1228)
    if ( self triggerHardpoint( currentWeapon ) )
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1215)
  self waittill( "weapon_change" );
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
undefined is not an entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_uav.gsc', line 81)
 level.uavplayer unlink();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1268)
  thread extreme\_ex_uav::uav_drone_go();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1228)
    if ( self triggerHardpoint( currentWeapon ) )
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1215)
  self waittill( "weapon_change" );
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Hitch warning: 567 msec frame time

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Hitch warning: 820 msec frame time

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Hitch warning: 972 msec frame time

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Hitch warning: 667 msec frame time
      dvar set ui_uav_allies 0

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Hitch warning: 518 msec frame time

******* script runtime error *******
undefined is not a field object: (file 'maps/mp/_ac130.gsc', line 305)
 level.ac130Player thread setWepText(weapon[currentWeapon].settext);
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/_ac130.gsc', line 167)
 thread changeWeapons();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1398)
  result = self thread maps\mp\_ac130::ac130_attachPlayer_go();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1228)
    if ( self triggerHardpoint( currentWeapon ) )
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1215)
  self waittill( "weapon_change" );
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to string: (file 'maps/mp/_ac130.gsc', line 398)
 self.ac130_weptext settext(settext, 256, 256);
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/_ac130.gsc', line 305)
 level.ac130Player thread setWepText(weapon[currentWeapon].settext);
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/_ac130.gsc', line 167)
 thread changeWeapons();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1398)
  result = self thread maps\mp\_ac130::ac130_attachPlayer_go();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1228)
    if ( self triggerHardpoint( currentWeapon ) )
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1215)
  self waittill( "weapon_change" );
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast object to bool: (file 'maps/mp/_ac130.gsc', line 714)
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/_ac130.gsc', line 175)
 if(level.ex_ac130_sound) self thread playac130Sound();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1398)
  result = self thread maps\mp\_ac130::ac130_attachPlayer_go();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1228)
    if ( self triggerHardpoint( currentWeapon ) )
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_hardpoints.gsc', line 1215)
  self waittill( "weapon_change" );
Error: ************************************
Hitch warning: 1544 msec frame time

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Hitch warning: 556 msec frame time

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************
Hitch warning: 715 msec frame time

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'extreme/_ex_forcedvar.gsc', line 45)
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 143)
 if(level.ex_forcedvar_mode) self thread extreme\_ex_forcedvar::start();
Error: called from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_main.gsc', line 236)
 if(isPlayer(self)) self thread playerThreads();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 750)
 self extreme\_ex_main::exPostSpawn();
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic.gsc', line 740)
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
removed entity is not an entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 42)
   level.ex_modinfo_hud setText(ex_modtxt[i]);
Error: started from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 53)
  wait (60 * level.fps_multiplier);
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
removed entity is not an entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 43)
   level.ex_modinfo_hud fadeOverTime(1);
Error: started from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 53)
  wait (60 * level.fps_multiplier);
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
cannot set field of removed entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 44)
   level.ex_modinfo_hud.alpha = 1;
Error: started from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 53)
  wait (60 * level.fps_multiplier);
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
removed entity is not an entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 48)
   level.ex_modinfo_hud fadeOverTime(1);
Error: started from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 46)
   wait (5 * level.fps_multiplier);
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
cannot set field of removed entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 49)
   level.ex_modinfo_hud.alpha = 0;
Error: started from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 46)
   wait (5 * level.fps_multiplier);
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
removed entity is not an entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 42)
   level.ex_modinfo_hud setText(ex_modtxt[i]);
Error: started from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 50)
   wait (1 * level.fps_multiplier);
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
removed entity is not an entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 43)
   level.ex_modinfo_hud fadeOverTime(1);
Error: started from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 50)
   wait (1 * level.fps_multiplier);
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
cannot set field of removed entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 44)
   level.ex_modinfo_hud.alpha = 1;
Error: started from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 50)
   wait (1 * level.fps_multiplier);
Error: ************************************
Hitch warning: 8162 msec frame time

******* script runtime error *******
removed entity is not an entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 48)
   level.ex_modinfo_hud fadeOverTime(1);
Error: started from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 46)
   wait (5 * level.fps_multiplier);
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
cannot set field of removed entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 49)
   level.ex_modinfo_hud.alpha = 0;
Error: started from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 46)
   wait (5 * level.fps_multiplier);
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
removed entity is not an entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 42)
   level.ex_modinfo_hud setText(ex_modtxt[i]);
Error: started from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 50)
   wait (1 * level.fps_multiplier);
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
removed entity is not an entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 43)
   level.ex_modinfo_hud fadeOverTime(1);
Error: started from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 50)
   wait (1 * level.fps_multiplier);
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
cannot set field of removed entity: (file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 44)
   level.ex_modinfo_hud.alpha = 1;
Error: started from:
(file 'extreme/_ex_modinfo.gsc', line 50)
   wait (1 * level.fps_multiplier);
Error: ************************************

Hope you can fix this problem  :?

Offline PatmanSan

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Re: Lagg after calling in UAV Drone..
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2010, 11:49:00 am »
level.ex_forceddvar_scoreboardPing is not initialized.

This is not part of the mod, so you must have added it yourself.

Offline 4peterjan4

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Re: Lagg after calling in UAV Drone..
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2010, 01:14:45 pm »
Quote from: "PatmanSan";p="34040"
level.ex_forceddvar_scoreboardPing is not initialized.

This is not part of the mod, so you must have added it yourself.

Its an additional modification.

Joker helped me out with this and its working great  :) .. (See that post)

But yeah these other errors don't know how they come there..

Offline PatmanSan

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Re: Lagg after calling in UAV Drone..
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2010, 01:47:26 pm »
It seems to work OK, but if it was working great, you wouldn't have errors in the log.

Offline 4peterjan4

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Re: Lagg after calling in UAV Drone..
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2010, 01:59:13 pm »
Quote from: "PatmanSan";p="34044"
It seems to work OK, but if it was working great, you wouldn't have errors in the log.

Nope indeed  :?