Author Topic: "Game/Round Winning Killcam" for CoD4  (Read 1445 times)

Offline nemesharcos

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"Game/Round Winning Killcam" for CoD4
« on: November 18, 2010, 12:37:09 pm »
I want to make a "Game/Round Winning Killcam" for CoD4, look like in MW2/BO,

Offline Joker{eXtreme}

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Re: "Game/Round Winning Killcam" for CoD4
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2010, 05:02:45 pm »
Sounds great m8, let us know how it turns out for ya, or if you need anything

I have a few more things to fix up from the Support forums then I can help on this.

Offline 105HolyMoly

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Re: "Game/Round Winning Killcam" for CoD4
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2010, 08:57:39 am »
:twisted: Black Ops Kill Cam! :P

Code: [Select]
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;




level.killcam = maps\mp\gametypes\_tweakables::getTweakableValue( "game", "allowkillcam" );
level.finalkillcam = maps\mp\gametypes\_tweakables::getTweakableValue( "game", "allowfinalkillcam" );

if( level.killcam )

if ( !level.inFinalKillcam )

while (level.inFinalKillcam)

if ( isDefined( level.sidebet ) && level.sidebet )
level notify( "play_final_killcam" );

attackerNum, // entity number of the attacker
targetNum, // entity number of the target
killcamentity, // entity to view during killcam aka helicopter or airstrike
killcamentityindex, // entity number of the above
killcamentitystarttime, // time at which the killcamentity came into being
sWeapon, // killing weapon
deathTime, // time when the player died
deathTimeOffset, // time between player death and beginning of killcam
offsetTime, // something to do with how far back in time the killer was seeing the world when he made the kill; latency related, sorta
perks, // the perks the attacker had at the time of the kill
killstreaks, // the killstreaks the attacker had at the time of the kill
attacker // entity object of attacker
if ( !level.finalkillcam )

if(attackerNum < 0)

recordKillcamSettings( attackerNum, targetNum, sWeapon, deathTime, deathTimeOffset, offsetTime, killcamentityindex, killcamentitystarttime, perks, killstreaks, attacker  );


if ( !level.finalkillcam )

if ( level.inFinalKillcam )

if ( !IsDefined(level.lastKillCam) )

level.inFinalKillcam = true;

level waittill ( "play_final_killcam" );

if ( isdefined ( level.lastKillCam.attacker ) )
level.lastKillCam.attacker notify( "finalKillCamKiller" );

visionSetNaked( GetDvar( #"mapname" ), 0.0 );

players = level.players;
for ( index = 0; index < players.size; index++ )
player = players[index];
player thread finalKillcam();

wait( 0.1 );

while ( areAnyPlayersWatchingTheKillcam() )
wait( 0.05 );

level.inFinalKillcam = false;

players = level.players;
for ( index = 0; index < players.size; index++ )
player = players[index];
if ( isDefined( player.killcam ) )
return true;

return false;

attackerNum, // entity number of the attacker
targetNum, // entity number of the target
killcamentity, // entity to view during killcam aka helicopter or airstrike
killcamentityindex, // entity number of the above
killcamentitystarttime, // time at which the killcamentity came into being
sWeapon, // killing weapon
deathTime, // time when the player died
deathTimeOffset, // time between player death and beginning of killcam
offsetTime, // something to do with how far back in time the killer was seeing the world when he made the kill; latency related, sorta
respawn, // will the player be allowed to respawn after the killcam?
maxtime, // time remaining until map ends; the killcam will never last longer than this. undefined = no limit
perks, // the perks the attacker had at the time of the kill
killstreaks, // the killstreaks the attacker had at the time of the kill
attacker // entity object of attacker
// monitors killcam and hides HUD elements during killcam session
//if ( !level.splitscreen )
// self thread killcam_HUD_off();

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("spawned");
level endon("game_ended");

if(attackerNum <0> 0 )
wait delayms / 1000;

self.killcamentity = killcamentityindex;

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("end_killcam");

wait(self.killcamlength - 0.05);
self notify("end_killcam");

waitFinalKillcamSlowdown( startTime )
self endon("disconnect");
self endon("end_killcam");
secondsUntilDeath = ( ( level.lastKillCam.deathTime - startTime ) / 1000 );
deathTime = getTime() + secondsUntilDeath * 1000;
waitBeforeDeath = 2;
self clientNotify("fkcb");
wait( max(0, (secondsUntilDeath - waitBeforeDeath) ) );
SetTimeScale( 0.25, int( deathTime - 500 ) );
wait( waitBeforeDeath + 1 );
SetTimeScale( 1.0, getTime() + 500 );
self clientNotify("fkce");

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("end_killcam");

while(self useButtonPressed())
wait .05;

while(!(self useButtonPressed()))
wait .05;

self notify("end_killcam");
        self clientNotify("fkce");

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("end_killcam");

self waittill("changed_class");

endKillcam( false );

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("end_killcam");

while(self fragButtonPressed())
wait .05;

while(!(self fragButtonPressed()))
wait .05;

self.wantSafeSpawn = true;

self notify("end_killcam");

endKillcam( final )
self.kc_skiptext.alpha = 0;
// self.kc_skiptext2.alpha = 0;
self.kc_timer.alpha = 0;

self.killcam = undefined;

self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_spectating::setSpectatePermissions();

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("end_killcam");

// code may trim our archivetime to zero if there is nothing "recorded" to show.
// this can happen when the person we're watching in our killcam goes into killcam himself.
// in this case, end the killcam.
if ( self.archivetime <0>= 0.5 )

buttonTime = 0;

while ( !self [[pressingButtonFunc]]() && buttonTime <0>= 0.5 )

self [[finishedFunc]]();

recordKillcamSettings( spectatorclient, targetentityindex, sWeapon, deathTime, deathTimeOffset, offsettime, entityindex, entitystarttime, perks, killstreaks, attacker )
if ( !IsDefined(level.lastKillCam) )
level.lastKillCam = SpawnStruct();

level.lastKillCam.spectatorclient = spectatorclient;
level.lastKillCam.weapon = sWeapon;
level.lastKillCam.deathTime = deathTime;
level.lastKillCam.deathTimeOffset = deathTimeOffset;
level.lastKillCam.offsettime = offsettime;
level.lastKillCam.entityindex = entityindex;
level.lastKillCam.targetentityindex = targetentityindex;
level.lastKillCam.entitystarttime = entitystarttime;
level.lastKillCam.perks = perks;
level.lastKillCam.killstreaks = killstreaks;
level.lastKillCam.attacker = attacker;

self endon("disconnect");
level endon("game_ended");

if ( wasLastRound() )
setMatchFlag( "final_killcam", 1 );
setMatchFlag( "round_end_killcam", 0 );
setMatchFlag( "final_killcam", 0 );
setMatchFlag( "round_end_killcam", 1 );

if( level.console )
self maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_spawn::setThirdPerson( false );

postDeathDelay = (getTime() - level.lastKillCam.deathTime) / 1000;
predelay = postDeathDelay + level.lastKillCam.deathTimeOffset;

camtime = calcKillcamTime( level.lastKillCam.weapon, level.lastKillCam.entitystarttime, predelay, false, undefined );
postdelay = calcPostDelay();

killcamoffset = camtime + predelay;
killcamlength = camtime + postdelay - 0.05; // We do the -0.05 since we are doing a wait below.

killcamstarttime = (gettime() - killcamoffset * 1000);

self notify ( "begin_killcam", getTime() );

self.sessionstate = "spectator";
self.spectatorclient = level.lastKillCam.spectatorclient;
self.killcamentity = -1;
if ( level.lastKillCam.entityindex >= 0 )
self thread setKillCamEntity( level.lastKillCam.entityindex, level.lastKillCam.entitystarttime - killcamstarttime - 100 );
self.killcamtargetentity = level.lastKillCam.targetentityindex;
self.archivetime = killcamoffset;
self.killcamlength = killcamlength;
self.psoffsettime = level.lastKillCam.offsettime;

// ignore spectate permissions
self allowSpectateTeam("allies", true);
self allowSpectateTeam("axis", true);
self allowSpectateTeam("freelook", true);
self allowSpectateTeam("none", true);

self thread endedFinalKillcamCleanup();

// wait till the next server frame to allow code a chance to update archivetime if it needs trimming
wait 0.05;

if ( self.archivetime <predelay> maxtime)
camtime = maxtime;
if (camtime < .05)
camtime = .05;

return camtime;

postdelay = 0;

// time after player death that killcam continues for
if (GetDvar( #"scr_killcam_posttime") == "")
postdelay = 2;
postdelay = GetDvarFloat( #"scr_killcam_posttime");
if (postdelay < 0.05)
postdelay = 0.05;

return postdelay;

if ( !isdefined( self.kc_skiptext ) )
self.kc_skiptext = newClientHudElem(self);
self.kc_skiptext.archived = false;
self.kc_skiptext.x = 0;
self.kc_skiptext.alignX = "center";
self.kc_skiptext.alignY = "middle";
self.kc_skiptext.horzAlign = "center";
self.kc_skiptext.vertAlign = "bottom";
self.kc_skiptext.sort = 1; // force to draw after the bars
self.kc_skiptext.font = "objective";
self.kc_skiptext.foreground = true;

/*self.kc_skiptext2 = newClientHudElem(self);
self.kc_skiptext2.archived = false;
self.kc_skiptext2.x = 0;
self.kc_skiptext2.alignX = "right";
self.kc_skiptext2.alignY = "middle";
self.kc_skiptext2.horzAlign = "right";
self.kc_skiptext2.vertAlign = "top";
self.kc_skiptext2.sort = 1; // force to draw after the bars
self.kc_skiptext2.font = "objective";
self.kc_skiptext2.foreground = true;
self.kc_skiptext2 setText(&"PLATFORM_PRESS_TO_SAFESPAWN");*/

if ( self IsSplitscreen() )
self.kc_skiptext.y = -100;
self.kc_skiptext.fontscale = 1.4;
//self.kc_skiptext2.y = 34;
//self.kc_skiptext2.fontscale = 1.4;
if ( level.console )
self.kc_skiptext.y = -120;
self.kc_skiptext.y = -150;

self.kc_skiptext.fontscale = 2;
//self.kc_skiptext2.y = 60;
//self.kc_skiptext2.fontscale = 1.4;
if ( respawn )
self.kc_skiptext setText(&"PLATFORM_PRESS_TO_RESPAWN");
self.kc_skiptext setText(&"PLATFORM_PRESS_TO_SKIP");

self.kc_skiptext.alpha = 1;

if ( !isdefined( self.kc_timer ) )
self.kc_timer = createFontString( "extrabig", 3.0 );
self.kc_timer setPoint( "TOP", undefined, 0, 45 );
self.kc_timer.archived = false;
self.kc_timer.foreground = true;

self.kc_timer.alpha = 0.2;
self.kc_timer setTenthsTimer(camtime);

if ( !isDefined( self.kc_skiptext ) )
self.kc_skiptext = newClientHudElem(self);
self.kc_skiptext.archived = false;
self.kc_skiptext.x = 0;
self.kc_skiptext.alignX = "center";
self.kc_skiptext.alignY = "top";
self.kc_skiptext.horzAlign = "center_adjustable";
self.kc_skiptext.vertAlign = "top_adjustable";
self.kc_skiptext.sort = 1; // force to draw after the bars
self.kc_skiptext.font = "default";
self.kc_skiptext.foreground = true;
self.kc_skiptext.hideWhenInMenu = true;

if ( self IsSplitscreen() )
self.kc_skiptext.y = 20;
self.kc_skiptext.fontscale = 1.2; // 1.8/1.5
self.kc_skiptext.y = 32;
self.kc_skiptext.fontscale = 1.8;

if ( !isDefined( self.kc_othertext ) )
self.kc_othertext = newClientHudElem(self);
self.kc_othertext.archived = false;
self.kc_othertext.y = 48;
self.kc_othertext.alignX = "left";
self.kc_othertext.alignY = "top";
self.kc_othertext.horzAlign = "center";
self.kc_othertext.vertAlign = "middle";
self.kc_othertext.sort = 10; // force to draw after the bars
self.kc_othertext.font = "small";
self.kc_othertext.foreground = true;
self.kc_othertext.hideWhenInMenu = true;

if ( self IsSplitscreen() )
self.kc_othertext.x = 16;
self.kc_othertext.fontscale = 1.2;
self.kc_othertext.x = 32;
self.kc_othertext.fontscale = 1.6;

if ( !isDefined( self.kc_icon ) )
self.kc_icon = newClientHudElem(self);
self.kc_icon.archived = false;
self.kc_icon.x = 16;
self.kc_icon.y = 16;
self.kc_icon.alignX = "left";
self.kc_icon.alignY = "top";
self.kc_icon.horzAlign = "center";
self.kc_icon.vertAlign = "middle";
self.kc_icon.sort = 1; // force to draw after the bars
self.kc_icon.foreground = true;
self.kc_icon.hideWhenInMenu = true;

if ( !( self IsSplitscreen() ) )
if ( !isdefined( self.kc_timer ) )
self.kc_timer = createFontString( "hudbig", 1.0 );
self.kc_timer.archived = false;
self.kc_timer.x = 0;
self.kc_timer.alignX = "center";
self.kc_timer.alignY = "middle";
self.kc_timer.horzAlign = "center_safearea";
self.kc_timer.vertAlign = "top_adjustable";
self.kc_timer.y = 42;
self.kc_timer.sort = 1; // force to draw after the bars
self.kc_timer.font = "hudbig";
self.kc_timer.foreground = true;
self.kc_timer.color = (0.85,0.85,0.85);
self.kc_timer.hideWhenInMenu = true;

Offline Joker{eXtreme}

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Re: "Game/Round Winning Killcam" for CoD4
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2010, 09:00:35 am »
HAHA I was looking at that last night aswell ;)

Offline 105HolyMoly

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Re: "Game/Round Winning Killcam" for CoD4
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2010, 09:33:43 am »
:D It may help with the direction to take with the cod 4 file................................. As you can see, not much has changed as far as the engine is concerned.

Offline Joker{eXtreme}

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Re: "Game/Round Winning Killcam" for CoD4
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2010, 10:19:09 am »
Well what do you think 105HolyMoly?  Should we tackle this? ;)

Offline nemesharcos

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Re: "Game/Round Winning Killcam" for CoD4
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2010, 10:38:43 am »
I have the Black Ops script raw too, but i don't know, how can i re-write it for CoD4

Offline 105HolyMoly

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Re: "Game/Round Winning Killcam" for CoD4
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2010, 04:08:33 pm »
:P I'll take a rip at this weekend if I have some time.............................. Needs a dvar to activate and a few additions to work, me thinks!

 :roll: Ya right!

Offline Sammy

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Re: "Game/Round Winning Killcam" for CoD4
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2010, 07:21:31 pm »
Doesnt look all that different than the cod4 killcam code really, just tweaked. Cept no idea what the "fkce" notify is supposed to flag.

Offline Joker{eXtreme}

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Re: "Game/Round Winning Killcam" for CoD4
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2010, 07:35:19 pm »
fkcb and fkce do not appear in any other gsc file in the rip

Offline PatmanSan

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Re: "Game/Round Winning Killcam" for CoD4
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2010, 08:12:38 pm »
They are in

Offline Joker{eXtreme}

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Re: "Game/Round Winning Killcam" for CoD4
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2010, 08:16:06 pm »
Didn't even think of looking in a CSC file LOL

Offline nemesharcos

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Re: "Game/Round Winning Killcam" for CoD4
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2010, 05:27:45 am »
So, any new guys?