Author Topic: Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)  (Read 9401 times)

Offline PatmanSan

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Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)
« on: July 15, 2011, 10:00:05 am »
Main thread for v2.7 support.

In this first post you can download all official fixes for bugs found in eXtreme+ v2.7 as a convenient fixpack.
Fixes included in this pack:

Fix 1:
Symptom: enabling live stats crashes the server.
Bug: code launched before precaching done.
File(s): extreme\_ex_livestats.gsc

Fix 2:
Symptom: could cause runtime errors when player disconnects.
Bug: self endon("disconnect") missing.
File(s): extreme\_ex_main.gsc, maps\mp\gametypes\_quickmessages.gsc, _objpoints.gsc

Fix 3:
Symptom: none.
Bug: not really - was using old way of getting players entities.
File(s): extreme\_ex_camper.gsc

Fix 4:
Symptom: able to access quick message menu for specials, even when specials are disabled.
Bug: menu always precached, and speed key 9 still handled.
File(s): maps\mp\gametypes\_menus.gsc, _quickmessages.gsc

Fix 5:
Symptom: heli flying back and forth between a small number of spawnpoints.
Bug: DM spawn¨points not excluded from entities clean-up, and array not randomized.
File(s): extreme\_ex_specials_helicopter.gsc, _ex_entities.gsc

Fix 6:
Symptom: server crash when ranksystem OFF and landmines OFF.
Bug: variable not set but evaluated anyway.
File(s): extreme\_ex_varcache.gsc

Fix 7:
Symptom: ESD runtime errors in log about level.ex_sdpoints_plant/level.ex_sdpoints_defuse.
Bug: variables should have been level.plantscore/level.defusescore.
File(s): extreme\_ex_gtcommon.gsc, maps\mp\gametypes\esd.gsc

Fix 8:
Symptom: helicopter locked when player who bought it dies without deploying.
Bug: level variable set when bying, not when deploying.
File(s): extreme\_ex_specials_helicopter.gsc

Fix 9:
Symptom: CTFB runtime errors in log.
Bug: deferred death when attacker switched to spec causing code for flag protection points to fail.
File(s): maps\mp\gametypes\ctfb.gsc

Fix 10:
Symptom: anti-camping not working. Runtime errors in log.
Bug: variables not properly evaluated.
File(s): extreme\_ex_camper.gsc

Fix 11:
Symptom: current weapons not available when swapping teams in between rounds.
Bug: not all weapons released.
File(s): extreme\_ex_main.gsc

Fix 12:
Symptom: if landmine blows when it's being defused, player (if surviving) is not released properly.
Bug: code to handle this situation was missing.
File(s): extreme\_ex_landmines.gsc

Fix 13:
Symptom: evil twins self.pers["death"] and self.pers["deaths"] could lead to invalid statistics.
Bug: renamed self.pers["deaths"] to self.pers["death"]. Removed redundant code.
File(s): maps\mp\gametypes\dom.gsc, esd.gsc, ft.gsc, lib.gsc, lts.gsc, ons.gsc, rbcnq,gsc, rbctf.gsc, sd.gsc

Fix 14:
Symptom: score memory not restoring rank properly.
Bug: not saving and restoring self.pers["special"], which is needed for ex_rank_score 1 and 2.
File(s): extreme\_ex_clientcontrol.gsc, _ex_memory.gsc, _ex_ranksystem.gsc
Remark: this also fixes invalid rank issues when joining server.

Fix 15:
Symptom: rewards for defusing landmines or tripwires not working.
Bug: checking ex_reward_landmine and ex_reward_tripwire, not ex_reward_defuse_landmine and ex_reward_defuse_tripwire.
File(s): extreme\_ex_varcache.gsc

Fix 16:
Symptom: runtime errors in log from weapon limiter code.
Bug: trying to access uninitialized player variables.
File(s): maps\mp\gametypes\_weapons.gsc

Fix 17:
Symptom: spawn protection HUD elements stuck for first players spawning on HQ/CHQ.
Bug: at match start (causing spawned players to respawn) running player threads were not killed.
File(s): extreme\_ex_spawnpro.gsc, maps\mp\gametypes\chq.gsc, hq.gsc

Fix 18:
Symptom: bash mode and frag fest crash server (mode msg and health regen runtime errors).
Bug: trying to access uninitialized level variables.
File(s): extreme\_ex_main.gsc, _ex_varcache.gsc, _ex_weapons.gsc

Fix 19:
Symptom: unexpected rotation when using player based rotation.
Bug: rotation memory confused up when sv_mapRotation and scr_small_rotation did not match.
File(s): extreme\_ex_maprotation.gsc, _ex_maps.gsc, _ex_mapvote.gsc
Remark: only added a debug log switch to _ex_mapvote.gsc for future testing.

Fix 20:
Symptom: (new feature).
Bug: (new feature) - ability to damage helicopter, including heat seaking missiles.
File(s): extreme\_ex_gunship.gsc, _ex_hud.gsc, _ex_main.gsc, _ex_specials.gsc, _ex_specials_helicopter.gsc, _ex_varcache.gsc
Remark#1: also fixes missing panzerschreck/bazooka/rpg explosion fx and sound after adding the gunship, specials, or LR rifles optional mod.
Remark#2: activate heat seaking missile by holding the USE key when firing the panzerschreck/bazooka/rpg (no need to aim).
See THIS THREAD for more information.

Fix 21:
Symptom: turrets can be duplicated by dropping unfixed turret (forced drop or weapon swap).
Bug: code to handle this situation was missing.
File(s): extreme\_ex_turrets.gsc, _ex_weapons.gsc
Remark: an unfixed turret will be restored to its original location when dropped, either by a forced drop or when swapping weapons.

Fix 22:
Symptom: IHTF crashing the server.
Bug: array level.players accessed by _killtriggers.gsc, but not available yet (IHTF processes varcache in two stages).
File(s): extreme\_ex_varcache.gsc

Fix 23:
Symptom: DOM and ONS crashing the server at end of game.
Bug: using level.flag instead of level.flags.size when trying to process array.
File(s): extreme\_ex_hud.gsc

Fix 24:
Symptom: Anti-run punishment never gets to kick player (loops punishment 1 - 3).
Bug: punishment 3 (warp) kills players, resetting counter to 0.
File(s): extreme\_ex_main.gsc
Remark: also moved some code to get the kick done, even when player switches to spectator during punishment 4 (kick).

Fix 25:
Symptom: possibility that memory settings are not saved.
Bug: dirty flag cleared even when writing to disk would fail.
File(s): extreme\_ex_memory.gsc

Fix 26:
Symptom: gas tank on back if not carrying flamethrower, or no weapon on back.
Bug: code assumed flamethrower when weapon parameter was undefined.
File(s): extreme\_ex_flamethrower.gsc, _ex_weaponback.gsc

Fix 27:
Symptom: wrong status icon when picking up own flag.
Bug: reversed status icon assignment.
File(s): maps\mp\gametypes\ctfb.gsc

Fix 28:
Symptom: still able to rearm when frozen in FT.
Bug: code was there, but checking "self" (crate) instead of "players".
File(s): extreme\_ex_ammocrates.gsc

Fix 29:
Symptom: (improvement).
Improvement: added "pause_exec" flag to core player threads to avoid overlapping execution.
File(s): extreme\_ex_main.gsc
Remark: also disabled "WDM: no record for weapon xxx" messages in log.

Fix 30:
Symptom: some players have an incomplete statsboard.
Fix: HUD clean-up not finished, causing "out of hudelems" and related errors for statsboard.
File(s): extreme\_ex_main.gsc, _ex_statboard.gsc
Remark: also decreased max lines for statsboard to 6.

Fix 31:
Symptom: (improvement).
Improvement: only show defuse warning for team's landmines if prone.
File(s): extreme\_ex_landmines.gsc, _ex_utils.gsc, _ex_varcache.gsc
Remark: introduces tuning vars for detecting stance: ex_tune_prone and ex_tune_crouch.

Fix 32:
Symptom: (new feature).
New: sticky spectate mode: sticks when player uses binoculars. Resume spectating same player when toggling free-float and sticky mode.
File(s): extreme\_ex_spawn.gsc
Remark#1: press USE in regular free-float mode to enter sticky mode. FIRE for next player. USE for previous player. MELEE to exit.
Remark#2: regular spectate and sticky spectate DO NOT and CAN NOT exchange info about the player being spectated.

Fix 33:
Symptom: (improvement).
Improvement: clean up arcade hud elements when game over. Arcade points now briefly flash.
File(s): extreme\_ex_arcade.gsc, _ex_hud.gsc

Fix 34:
Symptom: runtime errors in log about undefined players.pers["team"].
Bug: also checking players who are not fully initialized (connecting).
File(s): extreme\_ex_timeannouncer.gsc

Fix 35:
Symptom: (improvement).
Improvement: better balance between napalm and gas nades (damage radius expansion, duration, forced crouch and damage).
File(s): extreme\_ex_nades.gsc

Fix 36:
Symptom: players not able to make it into the next map (ping -1 and EXE_SERVERCOMMANDOVERFLOW).
Bug: some players are not able to handle the burst of callvote cvars. Now throttling cvar transmission.
File(s): extreme\_ex_mapvote.gsc
Remark: only sends cvars if eXtreme callvote options are enabled (g_allowvote must be on when server starts) or if player has eXtreme RCON map control rights.

Fix 37:
Symptom: helicopter flying through buildings, flying too low and jerky end of movement.
Improvement: better entry and exit points, better height detection, improved movement.
File(s): extreme\_ex_specials_helicopter.gsc

Fix 38:
Symptom: anti-camper code causing script errors "undefined is not an int" in log.
Improvement: effect for camper punishment "blow up" not precached due to incorrect variable evaluation.
File(s): extreme\_ex_varcache.gsc

Fix 39:
Symptom: (improvement).
Improvement: option to place "Replay last map" as first item on list.
File(s): extreme\_ex_mapvote.gsc, _ex_varcache.gsc
Remark: ex_endgame_vote_replay in mapcontrol.cfg now takes 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled - last) and 2 (enabled - first).

Fix 40:
Symptom: GUID checks not always working.
Bug: checkGUID function had a 6 digit maximum. GUIDs can be 7 digits.
File(s): extreme\_ex_security.gsc

Fix 41:
Symptom: score memory not restoring score properly.
Bug: not restoring self.pers["score"], which is synced with self.score on some game types.
File(s): extreme\_ex_clientcontrol.gsc

Fix 42:
Symptom: anti-run punishment sometimes kicking in just after spawning.
Bug: not resetting distance marker self.antirun_mark on spawn.
File(s): extreme\_ex_main.gsc
Remark: if using the punish system, the 4th and final punishment (kick) will be completed, even after dying.

Fix 43:
Symptom: (improvement).
Improvement: anti-run spawn crouched now operates independent from main anti-run setting.
File(s): extreme\_ex_main.gsc, _ex_varcache.gsc
Remark: default for ex_antirun_spawncrouched in playercontrol.cfg is now 0 (disabled) if not explicitly set.

Fix 44:
Symptom: script runtime errors in log (level.ex_rcon_maxplayers variable).
Bug: uninitialized variable if new round started while in menu.
File(s): extreme\_ex_rcon.gsc

Fix 45:
Symptom: no more radius damage applied after handling bubble protected player.
Bug: "return" instead of "continue" for bubble protection in _ex_utils::scriptedfxradiusdamage.
File(s): extreme\_ex_utils.gsc

Fix 46:
Symptom: script runtime errors in log (delay variable).
Bug: vestPerk() instead of vestPerk(0) in _ex_specials::playerGiveBackPerks.
File(s): extreme\_ex_specials.gsc

Fix 47:
Symptom: (improvement).
Improvement: allow WMD gunship only once (only allow airstrikes after using gunship).
File(s): extreme\_ex_gunship.gsc, _ex_ranksystem.gsc, _ex_varcache.gsc
Remark: ex_rank_gunship_next in ranksystem.cfg now also accepts 0.
See THIS THREAD for more information.

[Updated: December 7, 2011]

MAIN: eXtreme+ v2.7 FIXPACK: HERE

If you want to restore the original COD2 fonts, please use the following fix:

Offline ODAWA

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Re: Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2011, 05:11:17 pm »
Hi, thanks again.
Question 1:
How come when I changed the following in mapcontrol.cfg, I'm not jumping any higher?
set ex_jumpheight "128"

Am I perhaps interpreting this wrong, with regards to what it does?

Question 2:
I am impressed with the new font, but I'd prefer the default font used in v2.6.  How can I set it?

Oops! Nevermind I see I can restore it using the optional mod 'font-restore'. :)

Offline PatmanSan

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Re: Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2011, 06:14:09 pm »
ex_jumpheight works perfectly fine for me.
Are you sure you removed the // in front of the line?
Did you upload the change to your server?

Offline PatmanSan

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Re: Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2011, 06:45:38 pm »
Old code in optional mod "gametype-description-fix":

Please DO NOT use the extreme\_ex_main.gsc in this optional mod to apply the game type description fix. Unfortunately this code is old, and will break stuff.
If you wish to apply the optional mod server sided (instructions A), please do the following:

Instructions A (server side):
- Copy the file "0.iwd" in the "main" folder of this mod to the "main" folder on the server.
- Copy the file "0.iwd" in the "main" folder of this mod to the "main" folder on your download redirect (if you have one).
- Open the original v2.7 _ex_main.gsc in the "extreme" folder in your favorite text editor, and   remove the double slashes (//) from the folowing line:
- Save the file, and upload to the <fs_game>\extreme folder on the server.

Instructions B (client side) is not affected.

Offline willbe

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Re: Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2011, 12:08:05 am »
We have copied the 2.6 config on the 2.7, step by step line by line...

It is great!  :D  Amazing  :!:

Uuuuhhh the special features and the "Sentry Gun" is so funny!

And force maxfps and cl_maxpackets, seems very good reagrading lag questions.

We find a strange problem amd i'm not sure if maybe we have done something wrong, if i try to enable in miscfeatures.cfg:

// Livestats HUD
// show number of alive players in each team
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_livestats "1"

Then the server hangs when we try "Team Based" gametypes (tmd, ctf, sd, etc.).

I have tryed it again with the entire default scriptdata config, only changed the set ex_livestats "1" and it fails too, server hangs.

Diana and Special are the optional mods added for this test.

¿Any idea?

Thanks very much in advance!

Offline PatmanSan

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Re: Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2011, 01:28:50 am »
Thanks for reporting. Livestats is indeed broken.
2.7 Fixpack officially openend... fix 1 added.
See first post above.

Offline anodoz

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Re: Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2011, 01:40:08 am »
the new mod is awesome!!installed it with most of the bells and whistles run great so far on the test server.couple quick questions,what exactly does the gametype-description-fix do.i was a little confused and wasnt sure what it was reference too,and do i need it.

2nd question geolocation i think i have it set up how do i use it?

3rd is our no hipshooting script going to be the same as it was in the last mod

thank again patman

Offline PatmanSan

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Re: Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2011, 01:55:44 am »
1. The gametype-description-fix optional mod is to fix the game type description on the loading screen (when a new map is loading). Instead of TDM, it will make it show eXtreme+ TDM again, or whatever you have set the localized string to.

2. GeoLocation is part of the console log monitor, which will only work if are able to create a symbolic link in the scriptdata\log folder, pointing to the actual console_mp.log. It will make announcements like "Please welcome player x from The Netherlands", or whatever country their IP address is from. If you can't create that symbolic link, turn console processing OFF.

3. The code is already in there. Open extreme\_ex_main.gsc, search for exPlayerDamage. You'll see:

// Activate line below if you do not want to allow shooting from the hip (only ADS)
//if(isPlayer(eAttacker) && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_MELEE" && (maps\mp\gametypes\_weapons::isMainWeapon(sWeapon) || isWeaponType(sWeapon, "pistol")) && !eAttacker playerADS()) return;

Remove the // in front of the second line, like this:

// Activate line below if you do not want to allow shooting from the hip (only ADS)
if(isPlayer(eAttacker) && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_MELEE" && (maps\mp\gametypes\_weapons::isMainWeapon(sWeapon) || isWeaponType(sWeapon, "pistol")) && !eAttacker playerADS()) return;

Offline willbe

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Re: Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2011, 08:11:03 am »
Quote from: "PatmanSan";p="37852"
Thanks for reporting. Livestats is indeed broken.
2.7 Fixpack officially openend... fix 1 added.
See first post above.


It works!

Thanks very much again for your quick answer!

Offline alyosha

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Re: Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2011, 11:18:38 am »
Hi, there is a problem with intromusic.
At begin of map do not hear the intromsic. End music and gom scratch works fine.
I'm using same custom mp3 files from my previous 2.6.

miscfeatures.cfg :
set ex_intromusic "3"

ex_music.csv :
#intro music,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

files are inside the mod in the right folder.

Offline PatmanSan

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Re: Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2011, 11:42:50 am »
You have it running on a public server so I can join and have a look?

Offline alyosha

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Re: Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2011, 01:01:08 pm »
Quote from: "PatmanSan";p="37877"
You have it running on a public server so I can join and have a look?

Password: test

gommusic are in the file 04.iwd

Offline PatmanSan

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Re: Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2011, 01:34:27 pm »
Seems to work fine. I heard at least three different intros when reconnecting.

Offline alyosha

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Re: Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2011, 02:08:15 pm »
How is possible that? I not hear nothing before the gom scratch.

With my other pc I can hear all. What can be the problem?

Offline axRhino

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Re: Support: eXtreme+ v2.7 (including fixpack)
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2011, 05:08:37 pm »
Can not get the mod to run. Seems to be defaulting back to the standard COD2 config.cfg